ICSPR issues a special report on ” Traffic accidents in the Gaza Strip”
Ref: 109/2021
Date: 8 Dec 2021
Press release,
ICSPR issues a special report on ” Traffic accidents in the Gaza Strip”
Occupied Palestine/Gaza: The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) issued a special report on: “Traffic Accidents in the Gaza Strip” in which it confirmed that the traffic accidents in the Gaza Strip are a renewed crisis that threats the life of the Palestinian citizen and raises very serious economic, social, health and psychological problems and disputes. In addition to the financial and economic costs that exhaust the state budget, and disrupt the development process in all its aspects.
The report discussed the reality of traffic accidents in the Gaza Strip, provided statistics about traffic accidents, the causes of traffic accidents in the Gaza Strip, the traffic legal system applied in the Gaza Strip, and reviewed some successful international experiences to reduce traffic accidents.
Regarding the causes of traffic accidents in the Gaza Strip, the report indicated that high-speed driving represents 70% of the causes of traffic accidents, driving without a license, weak traffic laws and legislation in force, the poor condition of roads, and the absence of monitoring devices to monitor excessive speed to identify violating vehicles due to the Israeli siege.
The report recommended the need to unify national efforts and partnerships between local and governmental institutions within a systematic and cooperative political framework within a comprehensive and integrated system that seeks to reduce traffic accidents, each according to the nature of its functional structure.
It also called for the preparation and development of traffic legislation in accordance with international standards, without excessive or arbitrary punitive policy, which constitutes a violation of the rights of the citizen, and the development of local institutions, especially the Traffic and Emergency Department, to be able to keep pace with traffic and practice its work to the fullest.