ICSPR holds the Israeli occupation responsible for the lives of the four prisoners who were re-arrested

ICSPR holds the Israeli occupation responsible for the lives of the four prisoners who were re-arrested

ImportantMainPress newsPress Release


Date: 11 Sep 2021

Press release,

ICSPR holds the Israeli occupation responsible for the lives of the four prisoners who were re-arrested.

The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) follows up with great concern the re-arrest of four of the six Palestinian detainees who managed to escape from the Israeli occupation prison, where the local media carried pictures showing the re-arrests of the four Palestinians, some of which involved the deliberate use of physical violence by the Israeli army and police forces against those re-arrested.

This comes in light of the continuation of the Israeli Prison Authority, with an Israeli political cover, to launch a retaliatory campaign that relies on imposing punitive measures of a collective nature against prisoners in various Israeli prisons, with the aim of undermining the dignity of Palestinian prisoners and detainees.

ICSPR stresses that it is established in international law “according to Article 120 of the Geneva Convention Fourth of 1949” that civilian detainees who are re-arrested after their escape or during their attempt to escape are only subjected to disciplinary punishment. While the Third Geneva Convention for the Protection of Prisoners of War decided that a prisoner of war who managed to escape punishment if he was re-arrested after his escape, shall not be subjected to any punishment, which reinforces these legal consequences by going towards international recognition of the recognized right (escape and salvation).

ICSPR stresses the illegality of any punitive measures taken by the Israeli occupation against the four detainees who were re-arrested, and warns against compromising the safety of Palestinian prisoners and detainees in all Israeli prisons, especially the detainees who were re-arrested.

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