The International Commission (ICSPR) holds a meeting about “the reality of Palestinian women under the Israeli blockade and ways to protect their rights.”
NO: 23/2020
DATA: 24 Fbe 2020
Press release
The International Commission (ICSPR) holds a meeting about “the reality of Palestinian women under the Israeli blockade and ways to protect their rights.”
Occupied Palestine / Gaza: The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR), in cooperation with the Masarat Media Club, organized today, Monday February 24, 2020, a workshop entitled “The reality of Palestinian women in light of the Israeli blockade and ways to protect their rights,” with the participation of human rights activists, media professionals and women, at the headquarters of the Commission in Gaza City.
The lawyer at the Women’s Affairs Center, Hanadi Akila stressed that the reality of women in Palestine in general under the Israeli blockade is bitter, as women suffer from violence, which has become widespread, and it is not new, but it is rooted in all countries and societies.
She presented statistics on the rate of violence in the Gaza Strip, showing that 37% of women are subjected to violence in the Gaza Strip, of which 63% are exposed to psychological violence, 26% to physical violence, 46% to social violence, and 55% to economic violence.
Akila stressed the need for concerted efforts between civil society and human rights institutions to confront violence and limit its spread, stressing the importance of providing legal and psychological support to women.
In turn, lawyer Ayman Abu Aisha, head of the Sharia Lawyers Syndicate, spoke of gender-based violence, which derives its origins from the imbalance of roles between men and women, and is supported by patriarchal and authoritarian social concepts and increases in times of conflict, sieges and disasters.
And called for the need to work on adopting Palestinian laws that protect vulnerable groups, especially women, from violence, and to cancel all legal texts that would give excuses and cover the use of violence, which will only be achieved by ending the division and achieving Palestinian reconciliation, and directing the compass towards our national issues, on top of which is our real struggle with the occupation.
Heba Toman from the Massarat Media Club also spoke about her living experience with regard to exposure to violence, the role of both the family and society in overcoming that stage, and the ways to confront the most prominent obstacles she faced and all forms of violence against women in Palestine.
They also called for the necessity of working to increase awareness and community education, and to achieve cooperation and coordination between official institutions and civil society institutions, in addition to the role of the media to reduce the phenomenon of violence that is inconsistent with international human rights instruments.