ImportantMainPress newsPress Release

ICSPR welcomes the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly related to occupied Jerusalem and demands the actual execution of them.

Ref: 147/2021

Date: 2 Dec 2021

Press release,

ICSPR welcomes the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly related to occupied Jerusalem and demands the actual execution of them.

The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights “ICSPR” welcomes the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of two resolutions related to the Palestinian cause, one of which is related to the occupied city of Jerusalem, where the aforementioned resolution affirmed that any measures taken to change the city’s character are null and void and must be stopped, where (148) members voted in favor of the resolution entitled “peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine” and (9) against, while (14) countries abstained from voting. The resolution affirms the achievement of a just and comprehensive settlement of the question of Palestine to bring comprehensive peace and stability in the Middle East. As for the resolution entitled “Jerusalem” 129 members voted in favor, (11) against, while 31 members abstained from voting. This resolution urged the cessation of incitement, especially in religiously sensitive sites, with the need to preserve the historical and legal status quo in the occupied city.

ICSPR considers that the aforementioned resolutions are consistent with the basic and stable principles of international law and the relevant international legitimacy resolutions, and considers that they constitute an important positive step in encouraging states to comply with the provisions and decisions of international law with regard to the Palestinian territories Occupied Jerusalem, including Jerusalem, which is facing an unprecedented occupier Judaization within the framework of changing the status quo, and affirms that these and previous decisions must strengthen international cooperation to ensure the realization of Palestinian national rights, including holding the occupation authorities accountable for their crimes. Therefore:

  • ICSPR calls on the international community, with all its institutions, and all countries of the world, to implement these and similar resolutions, as a practical translation that reflects the extent to which they respect the rules of international law, human rights and the decisions of international legitimacy.
  • ICSPR calls on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, to open a serious investigation into the crimes of displacement and Judaization and the change in the historical situation in the occupied city of Jerusalem, which is practiced by the occupation authorities in a systematic and organized manner, in contravention of the minimum provisions of international law, legitimacy decisions and the Rome Statute establishing the International Court
  • ICSPR calls on the Palestinian leadership and foreign affairs ministry to invest their energies, including using all spaces and capabilities, in order to promote the boycott and hold the Israeli occupation authorities accountable for its continuing crimes inside the occupied territories.


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