ICSPR condemns the arresting of the citizen “Ahmed Melhem” from his workplace by the Palestinian security forces in civilian clothes on political grounds.
Ref: 145/2021
Date: 30 Nov 2021
Press release,
ICSPR condemns the arresting of the citizen “Ahmed Melhem” from his workplace by the Palestinian security forces in civilian clothes on political grounds.
The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights “ICSPR” condemns and denounces the fact that a Palestinian Authority security force arrested the liberated detainee from the occupation prisons “Ahmed Melhem” on Sunday, November 28, 2021, from his workplace in a restaurant in Nablus. According to data, the intelligence services in civilian clothes arrested him without presenting an arrest warrant issued by the competent authorities.
ICSPR, as it follows with great concern the growing manifestations of arbitrary and political arrests practiced by the security services in the West Bank over the past few days, it fears that detainees will be subjected to ill-treatment and violation of their rights, and stresses that political and arbitrary detention constitute a violation of international human rights covenants and Palestinian law, and fears that repeated arrests may endanger civil and societal peace and the rule of law, and considers that the manner in which citizens are arrested reflects a mentality of bullying and intimidation of citizens, and a criminal deed that requires the prosecution of its perpetrators and those who issue orders. Accordingly:
1- ICSPR calls for the immediate release of all persons arrested for exercising their right to political affiliation, opinion and expression, in line with what has been established by Palestinian law, and the obligations of the State of Palestine to respect the rights of its citizens under its accession to many international human rights covenants.
2- ICSPR calls on the security and police services in the West Bank to stop practicing arrests and political revenge, and calls for an immediate and transparent investigation into all forms of infringement and abuse of citizens’ rights, which leads to the accountability of its perpetrators, as a guarantee that it will not be repeated in the future.
3- ICSPR calls on the Prime Minister and the Minister of Interior, Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh, to issue clear instructions to law enforcement officials that human rights should be respected in terms of their dealings with citizens, to enhance the rule of law and civil and societal peace.