ICSPR warns of the repercussions of Switzerland and the Netherlands decision to suspend their support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees “UNRWA”
Ref: 53/2019
Date: 1 August 2019
Press Release,
ICSPR warns of the repercussions of Switzerland and the Netherlands decision to suspend their support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees “UNRWA”
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights “ICSPR” has followed with concern the decision of Switzerland and the Netherlands to suspend their financial support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), apparently as a result of a media leak of a report on the corruption of the Organization.
ICSPR expresses its solidarity with UNRWA and condemns the decision of Switzerland and the Netherlands to suspend their financial support to (UNRWA), especially since that to date no official results have been issued by the Office of Internal Oversight Services or any official body on the issue of corruption, and ICSPR fears that the decision of both Switzerland and the Netherlands would be a prelude to the abandonment by other States and especially the European Union of its obligations vis-à-vis the United Nations Agency in the context of the implementation of the American and Israeli plan aimed at eliminating the existence UNRWA. Therefore:
ICSPR warns of the serious repercussions of the decision to reduce UNRWA’s support, especially in light of the financial crisis it faces for years, and the impact on the level of services provided to the Palestinian refugees.
ICSPR believes that the timing of the publication of the leaked media report and the decision of Switzerland and the Netherlands raises suspicion, especially as the United Nations General Assembly will convene in September to give UNRWA a new three-year mandate.
ICSPR considers the decision of Switzerland and the Netherlands to be immoral and illegal and would undermine the rights of Palestinian refugees and increase their suffering
ICSPR calls upon Switzerland and the Netherlands to immediately reverse its decision and urges the European Union, its Parliament and various European organizations to work without delay to support UNRWA.