ICSPR issued position paper calls upon the International Community to end Israeli settlement crime.
International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (I.C.S.P.R) issued a position paper entitled “Israeli settlement crime”, which emphasize on the necessity to establish united Palestinian strategy and a national comprehensive program to confront the Israeli occupation policies particularly settlement policy.
The position paper emphasized on the importance of achieving the internal unity of Palestine and ending the divide to be able to confront the Israeli occupation policies, as well as establishing Palestinian community capable of steadfastness and endurance, in addition to build a new strategy of the Palestinian national work based on the unity of the Palestinian people everywhere and the participation of all Palestinian’s to resist the settlement policy.
The paper demanded the Palestinian Authority to go immediately to the International Criminal Court and that Israel, the occupying Power, must be held accountable for its criminal policies including settlement, in order to take advantage of Palestine membership as an observer State at the United Nations to held the occupation accountable internationally, as it stressed upon lifting all settlement activities as a basic condition to negotiate with the Israeli Occupation.
Moreover, It calls upon the Security Council and the UN General Assembly to follow-up to its resolution 2334 (2016) which reaffirmed the illegality of Israeli settlement activities and demanded their complete cessation, and issuing specific recommendations to the States Members of the United Nations and the Security Council to take collective action to end Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory, and ensure the protection to the Palestinian people under Israel’s occupation, and confrontation of Israeli policy of settlement activities, as it demand the Security Council to play a major role to end Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory.
Moreover, it demanded all States parties to the fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 to ensure that Israel abided by the rules of international humanitarian law contained in that Convention.
The paper concluded that Israel, the occupying Power, must apply and respect the rules of international humanitarian law and international human rights standards on Palestinian territories and civilians.