ICSPR The Need to Preserve Civil Peace and Respect the Rule of Law in the West Bank – Issues that Must Top the National Agenda
Date: December 26, 2024
Press Release
ICSPR: The Need to Preserve Civil Peace and Respect the Rule of Law in the West Bank – Issues that Must Top the National Agenda
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (ICSPR) expresses its deep concern over the recent escalating developments in Jenin Refugee Camp in the West Bank, which is witnessing serious incidents threatening Palestinian national and social cohesion.
These events stem from the campaign carried out by Palestinian security forces under the slogan “Homeland Protection,” which has entered its third week, citing the enforcement of the rule of law and the arrest of those considered to be in violation.
According to ICSPR’s monitoring, the campaign has involved concerning field measures, including the siege of the camp for the 16th consecutive day, the burning of three Palestinian homes, and the use of live ammunition against civilians. This has resulted in casualties and injuries, including three security personnel and five civilians, the latest being the boy “Majd Zidan.” Additionally, Al Jazeera’s office in the West Bank was shut down due to its coverage of the events, and several peaceful gatherings calling for an end to the tension and internal fighting in Jenin Camp were dispersed, with some participants assaulted and arrested, including Democratic Front leader Nasser Al-Milh. ICSPR has also observed media campaigns aimed at distorting facts, spreading hate speech that fuels tension and incitement against national and community figures, and recalling condemned and regrettable incidents of previous internal fighting to justify the security campaign and collective punitive measures against Jenin Camp.
ICSPR warns of the consequences of these policies and measures on national unity, civil peace, and the rule of law, especially at a time when the Palestinian people face ongoing aggression in the West Bank, an open war of extermination in Gaza, and attempts to Judaize occupied Jerusalem. ICSPR reiterates its rejection of violence, the use of weapons, and street justice. It emphasizes that prioritizing dialogue, reason, wisdom, and working to heal divisions and restore national unity based on partnership must top the national agenda. It reaffirms the necessity of preventing internal fighting and respecting human rights, including the right to resistance, freedom of opinion, press, and peaceful assembly.
Therefore, ICSPR highlights and demands the following:
- ICSPR stresses the importance of prioritizing national interests, the Palestinian cause, civil peace, and national unity above all other considerations. It calls for an end to police-security approaches and for initiating serious dialogue based on adherence to the rule of law and unity, safeguarding the right to resist occupation under international law, implementing reconciliation agreements and national consensus decisions, and strengthening collective efforts to thwart Israeli plans aimed at dismantling national unity and destabilizing Palestinian society.
- ICSPR urges all Palestinian parties, especially the Palestinian Authority, to exercise restraint, stop the security campaign in Jenin Camp, release political detainees, and halt all actions that may exacerbate tensions. This includes withdrawing armed manifestations to ease tensions and clashes, responding to initiatives aimed at maintaining civil peace and the rule of law, prioritizing national interests over any other considerations, and strengthening internal unity to confront Israeli occupation plans aimed at undermining Palestinian national rights.
- ICSPR calls on national and community actors to take urgent steps to stop the bloodshed in Jenin, adopt measures to end the violence and prevent its recurrence, and focus efforts on promoting civil peace, restoring national unity, and rebuilding political institutions based on partnership, democracy, and a unified national plan to resist occupation.
- ICSPR urges security forces to adhere to the principles of the rule of law, ethical and legal conduct, and rules governing the use of force and weapons during their operations. It calls for an end to violations of public rights and freedoms and for holding those responsible accountable.
- ICSPR calls on official bodies, national and community forces to prioritize wisdom and resort to dialogue and consensus to ensure respect for Palestinian law and public freedoms, the right to resist, and criminalize assaults on citizens and public property from any party. It also calls for addressing security disorder and threats to the rule of law and civil peace, taking a clear stance by publicly lifting political and tribal protection from perpetrators of crimes threatening community security, the rule of law, and civil peace.