International commission to support Palestinian rights demands banks operating in the Palestinian territories not to comply with the Israeli military orders related to closing the bank accounts of the released prisoners and prisoners

International commission to support Palestinian rights demands banks operating in the Palestinian territories not to comply with the Israeli military orders related to closing the bank accounts of the released prisoners and prisoners

ImportantMainPress Release

No.: 58/2020

Date: May 06, 2020

Original language: Arabic

Press Release

International commission to support Palestinian rights demands banks operating in the Palestinian territories not to comply with the Israeli military orders related to closing the bank accounts of the released prisoners and prisoners

ICSPR followed with concern that Cairo-Amman Bank closed yesterday, Tuesday, May 05, 2020 accounts of released prisoners, suspended and disrupted their ATM services, and demanded them to patent and transfer their bank accounts to other banks.

The measure appears to be in compliance with the military order of the IDF commander dated February 20, 2020, which threatens banks to continue to receive monthly salaries and financial allowances for freed prisoners, existing prisoners, and to consider this work prohibited and a punishable offense.

The Israeli action; is a series of Israeli workshops and actions, including the adoption by the Israeli Cabinet of the Palestinian Cabinet of Ministers on Sunday, February 17, 2019, of the law on freezing the allowances of Palestinian prisoners and their families, approved by the Israeli Knesset, on July 8, 2018.

ICSPR, reaffirming its position that all successive Israeli actions and decisions regarding the financial allocations of released prisoners are in clear violation of the obligations of the Israeli occupation established under articles 81 (98) and 98 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. It warns that banks and banks operating in the occupied Palestinian territories may comply with Israeli resolutions and procedures in this regard, and stressing that Israeli actions and decisions are regarded as collective penalties prohibited under international law and action, they are registered and demand:

  1. ICSPR warns against the inhuman effects that may besiege the Palestinian prisoners, and their families, as a result of the continuation and insistence of the Israeli occupation to take illegal decisions toward the financial allowances and salaries of the released prisoners.
  2. ICSPR demands Palestinian Monetary Authority to urge banks and banks operating in the occupied Palestinian territories not to comply with Israeli decisions and procedures concerning the deliberate denial of their monthly allocations and fees to prisoners and prisoners released.
  3. ICSPR urges the Board of Directors of Cairo-Amman Bank for the necessity of immediately rolling back its actions against the released prisoners, as these actions involve a direct contribution to a crime prohibited by law and international justice.
  4. ICSPR calls upon the International Community (countries and organizations) to immediately interfere to oblige the Israeli occupation to stop its illegal and immoral policies toward the financial rights of released prisoners and their families.

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