The International Commission (Hashd) urges the international community to take action immediately to stop Israel’s continuing aggression against the Jenin camp.
Number: 57/2023
Date: July 3, 2023
Native language: Arabic
Press release
The International Commission (Hashd) urges the international community to take action immediately to stop Israel’s continuing aggression against the Jenin camp.
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights “Hashd” strongly condemns the Israeli military occupation forces’ heinous massacre, which claimed the lives of 9 Palestinian citizens, according to official Palestinian information, eight of whom were in Jenin camp and a martyr from Al-Bireh; and 50 injured, including 10 in critical condition, until this moment; This was due to the Israeli occupation forces storming Jenin and its camp, while ambulances were prevented from entering to transport the injured to receive treatment amid an intense flight of the Israeli occupation aircraft, whether “Apache” or reconnaissance planes.
Where the Israeli forces began an attack against Jenin and its camp, bombing a house in the camp’s center as well as many spots inside and on the edges of the camp. Following the bombing, substantial numbers of the occupation army, estimated at 150 military vehicles, followed by armored bulldozers, invaded Jenin from many directions. It surrounded the Jenin camp, cut off the highways between the city and the camp, seized many houses and buildings overlooking it, stationed snipers on their roofs, and cut off power to important areas of the camp.
The targeting of the Jenin camp falls within the framework of the racist colonial occupation’s deepening crimes, which accelerated with the formation of the extremist Israeli occupation government, which works effectively to implement coalition agreements that emphasize Israeli hegemony and annexation of the West Bank in violation of international humanitarian law, human rights standards, and relevant United Nations resolutions. Since the beginning of this year, Palestinian killings and field executions have reached an all-time high, with the death toll reaching (186) martyrs, including (30) children and (6) women, reflecting Israeli disregard for Palestinians’ right to life. And it warns of a repetition of the same horrible scenes that the Palestinians suffered in the West Bank and Jerusalem.
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights “Hashd”: warns of the expansion of the aggression against the Jenin camp, which threatens the occurrence of more victims, and rejects the continuation of double standards policies and the conspiracy of international and regional silence on the heinous crimes committed by the military occupation authorities in the Jenin camp, which constitute a grave violation of international law, including human rights law, and amount to international crimes under the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
Given the illegality of the Israeli occupation and its colonial regime based on apartheid, the entire military operation in Jenin camp is considered an act of aggression prohibited by the law of justifications for war, as it reaffirms the Palestinian people’s right to resist the occupier by all available means, a right recognized in international law; emphasizing that the continued escalation reflects the true face of this extremist government, which entrenches the Israeli military doctrine of turning civilians into legitimate targets, and emphasizing that the recurrence of killings and field executions expresses clear contempt for the Palestinian right to life.
It demands the following:
• The International Commission (Hashd): urges the international community, the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention, and all international and regional organizations to condemn the killing of Palestinian civilians and to put pressure on the Israeli occupation state to fulfill its obligations to protect civilians and to stop its crimes against Palestinians.
• The International Commission (Hashd): calls for an end to Israel’s policy of impunity by accelerating the International Criminal Court’s ongoing investigation procedures in the case of Palestine, to stop the Court’s Prosecutor’s procrastination, and selective enforcement of international law, and to ensure the issue of the occupation leaders as war criminals.
• The International Commission (Hashd): Demands an urgent meeting of the Geneva Convention’s High Contracting Parties to ensure the provision of international protection for civilians and the activation of international jurisdiction to hold Israeli authorities accountable for international crimes committed against Palestinians.
• The International Commission (Hashd): advocates for the creation of a humanitarian corridor to ensure the safe evacuation of injured people to hospitals where they may receive appropriate medical care.
• The International Commission (Hashd): urges the international solidarity movement with the Palestinian people, as well as all Arab, regional, and international organizations, to take action at all legal, political, diplomatic, human rights, and popular levels to ensure the protection of Palestinian civilians and pressure governments to boycott and sanction the occupying state, and to support the Palestinian people’s struggle and right to self-determination.
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (Hashd)