The International Commission (Hashd) reports that the Israeli occupation forces continue their genocidal crime, resulting in the death and injury of 4% of the population, equivalent to 45,000 citizens, including martyrs
Date: November 16, 2023
Time: 13:00 local time
Brief Press Release
The International Commission (Hashd) reports that the Israeli occupation forces continue their genocidal crime, resulting in the death and injury of 4% of the population, equivalent to 45,000 citizens, including martyrs, wounded, and missing. Seventy percent of the victims are children and women. The occupation has also destroyed half of the citizens’ homes and civilian structures, especially hospitals that are mostly out of service. This has turned the Gaza Strip into a devastated and besieged area without water, food, medicine, fuel, or communication, leading the citizens to live in a greater humanitarian catastrophe.
On the forty-first day of the war on Gaza, The International Commission to Support Palestinians Rights (Hashd) observes the following:
- The state of Israeli occupation is a rogue state that disregards all principles of international humanitarian law and human rights standards. It practices organized and racial state terrorism in its ugliest forms, persisting in committing acts of genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, retaliatory collective punishment, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, disregarding all international condemnations.
- The attacks on hospitals, their invasion, destruction of medical equipment, assault on medical staff, and prevention of providing health services to the wounded and patients constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity.
- The international community is helpless in stopping genocidal crimes, ensuring the application of international humanitarian law, and providing international protection for civilians, especially children, women, journalists, medical staff, and hospitals.
- Israeli occupation crimes have led to the collapse of the humanitarian system and services. The aid entering is insufficient, covering only 5% of humanitarian needs. Acceptance by international organizations and world countries of occupation conditions for aid entry and the prevention of fuel entry means agreeing to the destruction and extermination of the Gaza population.
- We lose hope in humanity, as millions of free people condemn the worst genocide of this century, carried out in partnership with the United States and supported by some European countries. They denounce the law of the jungle and double standards, demanding an end to the war and freedom for Palestine.
- The International Commission (Hashd) has ceased counting martyrs and the wounded for three days. While we are convinced that the inhumane scene is not limited to the numbers of victims, which have exceeded tens of thousands, and the horrifying images of ongoing massacres against families, especially children and women, as well as the destruction of properties and the bombing of houses over their inhabitants without warning, we affirm that behind every Palestinian victim is a human story that will be told to the world when the time comes.
- The International Commission (Hashd) calls on the free people of the world, countries, and nations to continue their movements to stop the Israeli aggression, ensure the protection of civilians, and support the struggle and the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the end of the occupation.
End of statement
The International Commission to Support Palestinians Rights (Hashd)