The International Commission (Hashd) Makes An urgent appeal to you to take quick action to release the suffering Palestinian prisoner, Walid Daqqa.
Date: May 31, 2023
Press Release
The International Commission (Hashd) Makes An urgent appeal to you to take quick action to release the suffering Palestinian prisoner, Walid Daqqa, who has cancer in numerous areas of his body and has been imprisoned for 38 years in Israeli occupation prisons since March 24, 2023, after finishing his unfair sentence.
I.C.S.P.R Sent the A humanitarian appeal to : The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,Secretary-General of the United Nations , League of Arab States, High Commissioner for Human Rights , President of the Human Rights Council and International Committee of the Red Cross.
We speak to you today in the International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights “Hashd” and urgently within the framework of our human rights follow-up to the human rights situation inside the occupied Palestinian territories, to put you in the picture of the serious and catastrophic complications suffered by Palestinian prisoner “Walid Daqqa” as a result of his exposure to a true medical crime that may lead to his death at any time, as he suffers from cancer. after procrastination that lasted more than Two weeks before the Israeli occupation, and his condition is still unstable.
We inform you that the prisoner “Walid Daqqa”, 60 years old, from the town of Baqa al-Gharbia in the occupied lands of 1948, has been sentenced to life imprisonment, has been detained since March 25, 1986, and has experienced successive health setbacks since March 23, 2023, as a result of the crime of medical negligence, after he was arrested. On January 18, 2022, he was diagnosed with myelofibrosis (a rare disease that affects the bone marrow), which progressed from leukemia (leukemia) that was discovered in 2015 and went untreated since it demands rigorous health care in terms of the lungs, kidneys, and blood. On the other side, he must undergo a delicate bone marrow transplant (noting that there is more than one donor) that requires a minimally invasive therapeutic environment in light of the conditions of captivity and the strict guarding practiced by the Israeli prison administration.
Later, the Zionist occupation forces decided to return the prisoner who suffered from marrow cancer to the so-called Ramla prison clinic, as the decision is considered a slow and silent killing of the prisoner and means that the occupation took its clear decision to execute the prisoner Abu Daqqa, as his return from “Asaf” hospital Harofeh,” only three days after he underwent a heart catheterization operation, as he is still suffering from complications
And where we point out that on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at 8:30, a new trial session will be held in the Occupation Court in “Maasiyahu” – Ramleh for the prisoner, Walid Daqqa, to decide on his early release, even though the prisoner has been serving an arbitrary and unjust sentence that has nothing to do with his actual sentence, and his health and legal condition necessitates his immediate release. Simultaneously, he is exposed to recruitment and provocation in the occupation media and its apparatus, in tandem with a campaign initiated by his family and Palestinian activists to raise awareness of the crimes committed against him.
We send you this urgent appeal in the shortest period to save the life of prisoner Walid Daqqa at a time when he is at risk of slow death due to his deteriorating health condition, while the occupation authorities continue their intransigence and refusal to release him to transfer him to treatment in Palestinian hospitals, and until today there are no signs of serious solutions to his case, which means that the Israeli occupation authorities.
As a result, we urge you to take instantaneous and serious steps to put pressure on the Israeli authorities to ensure the release of Palestinian prisoner “Walid Daqqa,” to end his suffering and stop all violations to which he is subjected, as they constitute a flagrant violation of the minimum standards of human rights and the rights of prisoners and detainees assigned by international humanitarian law. The Fourth Geneva Convention, in particular.
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (Hashd)