The International Commission Hashd Death Claims Dozens Daily as Diseases Spread in Gaza Due to Ongoing Israeli Aggression
Date: 5th Feb 2024
Time: 15:00 Local Time
Press Release
The International Commission“Hashd” Death Claims Dozens Daily as Diseases Spread in Gaza Due to Ongoing Israeli Aggression
IThe International Commission“Hashd”: reveals the dire situation in Gaza, where the rapid spread of infectious diseases and infections is claiming the lives of dozens daily due to the ongoing Israeli aggression. Approximately 90% of Gaza’s population is living in overcrowded shelters and tents scattered along the roads, lacking personal hygiene facilities. The collapse of healthcare services, disruption of water and sewage networks, garbage accumulation, insect infestations, and rodent proliferation contribute to the escalating suffering of Gaza’s residents.
The humanitarian crisis deepens with famine, food shortages, inadequate drinking water, continuous power outages, fuel and cooking gas shortages, and a scarcity of medications and medical supplies. The international aid, reaching only 8% of the population’s needs, faces obstacles and restrictions, especially for the residents of northern Gaza. The intentional hindrance of international organizations, particularly UNRWA, underscores the occupier’s determination to destroy Gaza’s population, utilizing humanitarian aid as a weapon of war. An urgent international response is required to halt the aggression and ensure the flow of humanitarian aid, medicines, and suitable shelters to stop the escalating human catastrophe.
The International Commission“Hashd”:Evacuation of patients and wounded individuals faces severe delays and arbitrary Israeli restrictions, resulting in the worsening conditions of the injured and the sick. Since the beginning of the Israeli aggression, around 1,250 wounded and sick individuals, along with 1,050 companions, out of 67,000 wounded, 10,000 cancer patients, and 7,000 kidney patients urgently need travel and medical interventions due to the destruction of hospitals, healthcare facilities, and shortages of medical supplies, causing an increase in the casualties of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Effective international intervention is necessary to ensure the swift evacuation and travel of the wounded and sick, saving their lives. Additionally, efforts should be made to bring in medical teams, field hospitals, medical supplies, and to restore water, electricity, and fuel to the hospitals in Gaza that are still in service.