The International Commission “Hashd” creates a platform for youth discussion to strengthen the role of youth in maintaining civil peace and building a democratic society
Reference number: 93/2023
Date: September 21, 2023
Native language: Arabic
Press release
The International Commission “Hashd” creates a platform for youth discussion to strengthen the role of youth in maintaining civil peace and building a democratic society.
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights “Hashd” held its first forming meeting yesterday evening, Wednesday, via Zoom, to launch the Bridge Builders Program Forum to activate youth dialogue with its partners from various Palestinian groups, titled “Strengthening the role of youth in protecting civil peace and enhancing opportunities for Palestinian people.” Democratic transformation.
The foundation conference was attended by 32 representatives of youth, community, and civil society groups from Jerusalem, the West Bank, the territories of 1948, the Gaza Strip, and various European and Arab countries.
This forum intends to engage young energies in fighting the numerous difficulties affecting Palestinian youth in their various places, as well as to assure the formation of a continuous youth dialogue platform by organizing a monthly youth discussion in which Palestinian youth gather through Zoom.
The forum aspires to secure the engagement of young people in creating the dialogue agenda and selecting acceptable subjects and dates, as well as the addition of young leaders and competencies from key institutions, to improve youth dialogue from diverse Palestinian groups.
The forum discusses national and humanitarian issues and challenges based on the priorities identified by youth while proposing and developing policies and alternatives to address the problems that youth and society face, in a way that advances the national and community role of youth in protecting youth rights, civil peace, opportunities for democratic transformation, restoring unity, and closing the gap between youth in areas where Palestinians are present.
During the first meeting, it was agreed on the importance of allowing more active young leaders of both genders to participate in these dialogues, which is expected to enrich the dialogue, which represents a real opportunity to achieve cooperation and mutual understanding between young leaders, representatives of civil and community institutions, and youth, which later establishes access To establish the permanent Palestinian Youth Dialogue Forum and establish its international legal registration.
The participants agreed on the importance of increasing young people’s political participation and empowerment, as well as developing a national youth vision to confront all of society’s challenges and enhance their role in protecting and maintaining civil peace, as well as rebuilding all institutions of the political system on democratic foundations in a way that ensures youth participation activation and the generation of a popular youth movement that Promoting civic peace, conducting full elections, and attaining justice are all priorities for youth.