The International Commission (Hashd) Condemns Human Rights Watch
biased report accusing Palestinian resistance factions of “war crimes and crimes against humanity”
Press Release
The International Commission (Hashd) Condemns Human Rights Watch biased report accusing Palestinian resistance factions of “war crimes and crimes against humanity”
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (Hashd) followed with strong condemnation the report issued by the “Human Rights Watch” in which it accuses the Palestinian resistance factions of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, in a flagrant bias for Israeli occupation state.
This biased report comes as an attempt to justify the crimes of genocide against Palestinians and other international crimes committed by occupation forces in Gaza and the rest of occupied Palestinian territories, which were carried out with the support of United States of America and some countries with a colonial background, in light of an international deficit amounting to collusion in the commission of genocide crimes in Gaza Strip, and perhaps any professional and objective review of the report proves the following facts and conclusions:
1. The Human Rights Watch report repeats and reiterates Israeli narrative invoked by Israeli occupation to launch their unprecedented aggressive military attack, which came to all the rules of international humanitarian law and human rights charters, which later showed the lies of its ergoregions allegations, which Israeli occupation and its partners, including Israeli and American media, which recognized that it was based on false, artificial and fake accounts, which forced heads of state and leaders of opinion and international institutions to apologies for deception with Israeli version, which lacked credibility, most of which later lied the investigations of Israeli occupation army, which confirmed the occupation’s aircraft, tanks and soldiers who carried out most of the violations against Palestinian civilians. Israelis and members of Palestinian resistance, although it was proven that Israeli narrative of Israeli occupation was not credible and the recognition of Israeli occupation itself, and the US President Badin’s retreat from it, and a number of international media agencies adopted the occupation novel that was made and the witnesses retreated from their lies, but the authors of the report returned the same false narratives completely, which were verified and most of them were uncredited.
2. The report overlooked the historical context of Arab-Israeli conflict and depriving Palestinian people of their just and inalienable rights in accordance with the relevant United Nations resolutions and human rights charters violated by occupation state over the course of the conflict, ignoring the crimes of genocide, ethnic cleansing, siege, Judaization, repression, racism, field killing, forced displacement, confiscation of land, storming the premises presented, collective punishments, torture, arbitrary arrests, destruction of infrastructure, starving civilians, killing and targeting of protected groups, and the prohibited use of weapons systematically carried out by the Israeli occupation state since 1948, to which the United Nations report and human rights organizations, including Rights Human Watch.
3. The report contained a huge number of false and alleged information, in a way that seemed deliberately to convey the political message to him, which he carried his title, which is to accuse and condemn the Palestinian resistance. The report also deliberately achieved the same goal, ignoring the reference to a quality of consistent information whose dissemination would corrupt its political goal. Among these two types of information are the continuous genocide crimes and the crimes of Israeli occupation, a large part of which documented reports of the same organization that Israel expelled its director and prevented it from working, so that it seems that the price of its return and the return of its funding is subject to this report to distort the struggle and resistance of Palestinian people.
4. The report is clearly and intentionally confused in describing the political and legal reality of Palestinian people in a way that makes the resistance of Palestinian people terrorism and omission to the fact that Palestinian people are under the racist colonial occupation in the equality of the victim with executioner, and the absence of the right to resist colonialism and foreign occupation, and legitimate Defense that is proven to Palestinians, in accordance with the Charter, United Nations resolutions, human rights charters and international law conventions, and in return, does not prove to Israeli occupying power, which has not implemented any of the United Nations resolutions related to Palestinian issue since 1948 until now.
5. The review of the methodology of report and the evidence that the report claimed shows that it is a non-professional, non-subjective or impartial methodology and based on allegations sent that lack credibility and verification, most of which have been proven to be false, in addition to being based on one party, most of which are weak testimonies, and some of which have retreated from those who said Israelis, in addition to that the report did not provide any evidence or statements confirming what the report went to, especially with regard to allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity by individuals in the resistance, whether with regard to allegations of murder, sexual assaults and torture of Israeli families by members of the resistance, and this is not true and confirmed by the images of the family. Israelis and their report on the treatment of the resistance and after the omission of the crimes of Israeli occupation against Palestinian prisoners who were deprived of all their rights, while they demand the release of the prisoners in the resistance do not demand the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners, while no facts of any sexual assaults by members of the resistance have been mentioned. There are dozens of testimonies from Palestinian families, prisoners and civilians of their use as human shields, rape and the release of police dogs.
The organization says that it has conducted an investigation that leads to the question of the absent abuse, especially since the report acknowledges in its body that the organization’s team did not obtain any evidence, no documented certificates, and did not make field visits, and the organization did not disclose the names of any witnesses or victims it interviewed, while the report at the end calls for a comprehensive investigation. The organization indicates that it cannot determine who fired ammunition in the attack on the seventh of October, so how did it find the result without completing this investigation, while the organization says that the official authorities in Gaza or the resistance factions did not cooperate with them, although it and other organizations Human rights and the international press are prohibited by the occupation from entering Gaza Strip, and despite the cooperation of all official authorities with all local and international human rights organizations.
7. The authors of the report deliberately did not refer to at all or even the smallest limits to the right of Palestinians to resist Israeli occupation, and mentioned the most houmous crimes of occupation in human history and the partnership of United States of America and countries with a colonial background in the aggression against Palestinians and their failure to enforce the relevant United Nations resolutions, and the measures of International Court of Justice. The minimum reference was made to some of the crimes committed by the occupation, while an alleged narrative of crimes committed by Palestinian resistance was amplified in pushing the reader to sympathies with occupation and its victims, most of the soldiers of Israeli occupation forces, while killing a large part of Israeli civilians and soldiers were killed by occupation army, which used the tactics of Hanbal, which allow The resistance, along with their family and civilians, were killed while army dealt with the attack of members of Palestinian resistance.
8. The timing of the release of the report, and the objectives that it has concluded, poses questions? It pushes to believe that the purpose of the report is facilitated with the intention of equating the victim and the executioner and condemning it and demonizing Palestinian resistance. While the conclusion of the demands of the report is to coexist with Israeli occupation and the racist colonial system instead of ending the occupation, the racial decolonization and holding accountable those responsible for committing international crimes against Palestinians in front of the international judiciary, which confirms that the report represents a legal sin and a political scandal because it lacks objectivity and professionalism and repeats without proofs the Israeli lies that it has veto and proved incorrect by international organizations and international media that cannot be accused of bias to Palestinian side, which cleanses the organization’s response to Israeli and American pressure that has long criticized any international civil organization or Even affiliated with United Nations and accusing it of re-Semitism and supporting terrorism in the event of talking or even referring to the crimes of Israeli occupation.
9. We assumed the validity of some of the allegations that members of the resistance or Palestinians committed any violations, mistakes or crimes, individual crimes remain in light of the faction leadership’s assertion that they respect the rules of international humanitarian law, in addition to the fact that these allegations lack professional investigation and follow-up by the resistance or the Palestinian Authority, which has the right and it has the duty to investigate these allegations to verify their validity and hold accountable those who did them. If Human Rights Watch has listened to Israel and listened according to more than 100 statements, it must listen to the statements of Palestinians, and testify more than 2 million Palestinian victims who lived and they are still the chapters of the crime of genocide, war crimes and brutal crimes against humanity that have been practiced against Palestinians, especially in Gaza Strip.
10. Any comparison between the crimes of occupation and any crimes or violations that occurred from members of the resistance is in itself an equality between the victim and the executioner, and the claim of neutrality by Human Rights Watch shows the selectivity and the politicized employment of the work of the organization. Neutrality in front of the law of the jungle and the double standards and the agent of the accusations for the victims means justification and beautification of the crimes of Israeli occupation and its partners, led by United States of America. Whatever, if some errors or violations occurred by the resistance, it is not only individual cases or incidental damages that do not reflect political or military plans or orders issued by the resistance leadership, which dared to admit some mistakes during the journey of Palestinian struggle, and I was keen to correct it and prevent its recurrence. Perhaps the most informant examples, despite the crimes of genocide, are the image of the family and their treatment by Palestinian resistance, the images of the families of occupation, torture, medical negligence, abuse, denial of rights and field killing, and other pictures and examples that emphasize that the root of the problem and violence is Israeli occupation, the absence of international accountability, the inability of the international community to stop the crimes of Israeli occupation, including the refusal to enter the investigation teams and the Human Rights team to Gaza Strip, at a time when allowing and assist the Palestinian official authorities and the resistance factions previously and later in the work of international investigation teams, the work of journalists and human rights institutions, and even demand their entry to Palestine and meet Victims of the Israeli occupation, as well as responding to inquiries from international bodies despite all the challenges imposed by the crimes of Israeli occupation and restrictions imposed on the work of United Nations agencies, journalists and human rights institutions.
The International Commission, which affirms that accountability for crimes and violations of international humanitarian law and international criminal law is important to ensure that the space for impunity is narrowed; and it indicates that a human rights discourse that achieves justice for Palestinian victims is equal to the victory of the principles established in international law; and that any attempt to equalize between the victim and the executioner means, in short, the sacrifice of the universally agreed humanitarian principles and rules; therefore, it registers and demands the following:
1. The International Commission (Hashd): Calls on the Human Rights Watch organization to review and withdraw its report and apologies for the fundamental errors contained in it, and that the organization does not be drawn to use the policy of double standards and equality of the victim with the executioner and to abide by the rules of international and professional law, and to work to encourage Palestinians and the resistance factions to open an investigation into any violations of international law, despite the occupation’s failure to abide by it and prevent it from slipping later to the boxes of reciprocity despite the huge difference of power possessed by the occupation and despite the inability of any human being to pursue racism, fascist and the crimes of the racist Zionist occupation.
2. The International Commission (Hashd):calls Human Rights Watch to stop its bias and speeding up, which is confirmed by its non-professional reports, whether about the killing of civilians in Hospitals, and this report is notorious and biased, which contributes to forming a cover for the occupation for its crimes against Palestinians, and shows the flawed use of the idea of human rights and the work of some of its organizations, which succumbs to the logic of force and the law of the jungle and beautifies criminals at the expense of the standards of international law.
3. The International Commission (Hashd): calls Human rights activists for joining the international and humanitarian efforts exerted by the free world to protect human rights in Palestine, stop the crime of genocide and Israeli aggression, ensure the flow of humanitarian aid in implementation of Security Council resolutions, the United Nations General Assembly and the measures of the International Court of Justice, and support the demands and rights of Palestinian people, on top of which is the right to self-determination, end the occupation, establish a Palestinian and independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, ensure the return of refugees.