On World Refugee Day The international Commission (ICSPR) calls on the international community to provide protection for Palestinian refugees
Date:20 Jun 2024
Press Release
On World Refugee Day..
The international Commission (ICSPR) calls on the international community to provide protection for Palestinian refugees
June 20, 2024 considers as the World Refugee Day, declared by the United Nations in December 2000, in honour of refugees around the world, aiming of highlighting the strength and courage of people forced to flee their homelands by occupation and conflicts. World Refugee Day is also an occasion to mobilise compassion and understanding for their plight and appreciate their resolve to rebuild their lives, needs and dreams, including helping mobilise political will and resources so that refugees can succeed , not only to survive
This occasion is of utmost importance this year, in light of the continuation of the crime of forced displacement, genocide and Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip, which was transformed by the Israeli occupation forces into a disaster and unfitable area with the aim of displacing its people, who have been living in catastrophic conditions as a result of collective punishments, the use of the weapon of starvation against them, preventing and obstructing the entry and distribution of aid, and obstructing the work of international humanitarian organisations, especially UNRWA, which is subjected to a fierce Israeli campaign to stop its work in Palestinian territories, in continuation of Israeli occupation’s plans that deny the rights of Palestinian refugees since 1948, by its insists refusal to enforce dozens of international resolutions, foremost of which is resolution 194, which stressed the need for the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes from which they were displaced, Due to the organised and systematic displacement crimes that are still practised by Israeli occupation state until today, which resulted in the displacement and dispersal of Gaza Strip people inside and outside Gaza Strip, in addition to the dispersal of the Palestinian people in parts of the world. The occupation authorities are still continuing to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing crimes and making a new calamity in Gaza Strip, and continue the policies of colonial settlement, confiscation and annexation of Palestinian land, uprooting trees, demolition of houses, Judaising the city of Jerusalem, extravagance, stealing Palestinian resources and other prohibited patterns, and the best testimony to this is happening, the field killings, storming camps in West Bank, committing massacres, building settlements, settler attacks, storming Al-Aqsa Mosque and intensifying arbitrary arrest campaigns,
About Gaza Strip, the devastating aggression and the genocidal war launched by Israeli occupation authorities for the ninth month have exacerbated the suffering of Palestinian refugees at various levels, and led to the displacement and displacement of more than (95%) of people of Gaza due to the brutal military operations that affected civilians and their property, and have so far led to the death and death and loss of more than 50,000 martyrs, the injury of more than 87,000 wounded, and the arrest of nearly 11,000 citizens, including 6,000 detainees in secret prisons against whom torture and denial of all rights.
According to the definition of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Palestinian refugees are those who were residing in Palestine during the period between June 1946 and May 1948, and who lost their homes and livelihood as a result of the crimes of Israeli occupation and the forced displacement of 1948. According to UNRWA, the number of Palestinian refugees is estimated at approximately 6 million Palestinian refugees around the world, a third of whom live in 58 recognised refugee camps, in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza Strip and West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem. Their humanitarian, social, economic, health, service and educational conditions in the camps are generally characterised by extreme and catastrophic, and the conditions of a shackled life and inadequate infrastructure that lacks the minimum elements of human life.
The ongoing genocide war on Gaza Strip has exacerbated the situation of Palestinian refugees and displaced persons at various levels, especially as it came on the livelihoods and property of the refugees, and exposed them to massacres, the destruction of homes and civilian facilities, famine, thirst, the spread of diseases and frequent forced displacement, which increased their harsh conditions.
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights holds the international community responsible for the failure to end Israeli occupation and stop the ongoing war of genocide and the crimes of ethnic cleansing and racial discrimination, including the accumulated international inability to find practical solutions to the issue of Palestinian refugees and displaced people, which caused the continuation of the plight, suffering and hardship of Palestinian refugees who have become unprotected inside and outside Palestinian territories, and stressing that these Palestinian rights and the rights of refugees are inalienable, including their right to self-determination and the right to return to their homes from which they were displaced and compensation. In accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy, foremost of which is General Assembly resolution 194, and Security Council resolution 237, and stressing also the clarity of international law and ethical principles related to Palestinian refugees and the need for them to enjoy all the rights contained in the Convention for the Protection of the Rights of Refugees, so:
- The International Commission confirmed the need to form a Palestinian, Arab and international repelling wall to face displacement projects and liquidation solutions to the issue of Palestinian refugees and displaced people, and all solutions that undermine the relevant rules of international law.
- The International Commission renews its position firmly rejecting all attempts to undermine the work of UNRWA, or redefining the refugee in line with the liquidation attempts, because UNRWA and the Palestinian refugee represent a greater witness to the most heinous process of forced displacement in 1948.
- The International Commission calls for the adoption of the content of this release by the international community, and to carry out all international measures to ensure response to the demands and rights of Palestinian refugees and displaced persons inside the occupied territories and in the countries of the diaspora, including serious work to stop the Israeli genocide and aggression on Gaza Strip, enhance the flow of humanitarian assistance to stop the situation of famine, thirst, diseases and epidemics among the displaced, facilitate and support the work of UNRWA, and ensure the extension of its mandate and sustainability of its funding in a way that enhances its ability to relief refugees and respond humanitarianly to the needs of Palestinian refugees.
- The International Commission calls on the Relief Agency, the High Commissioner for Refugees and the host countries to support the forcibly displaced from Gaza Strip as a result of the genocide war inside and outside Gaza Strip, abusing the rest of the refugees whose livelihoods have been cut off and providing them with a minimum protection in light of the deterioration of their situation.