On the occasion of the Palestinian Wounded Day…ICSPR calls to internationalize the cause of the Palestinians wounded and support their rights.
NUM: 28/ 2022
Date: 13 Mar 2022
Press release
On the occasion of the Palestinian Wounded Day…ICSPR calls to internationalize the cause of the Palestinians wounded and support their rights.
Today, March 13, marks the “Palestinian Wounded Day” which is a pure national day that the Palestinians celebrate by organizing many events out of loyalty to the wounded and in appreciation of their sacrifices and continuous suffering, also as a reminder to the world and its institutions of the Israeli occupation crimes and violations of all international laws, through using excessive force and prohibited weapons against Palestinian civilians inside the occupied territories.
According to the available data, the violations of the Israeli occupation against Palestinian civilians since 1948 until the present day have left hundreds of thousands of wounded, some of whom have been murdered, others have been injured more than once, or have been captured or both, where according to the data, hundreds of wounded are languishing in Israeli prisons and detention centers, while they suffer from the effects of bullets in their bodies, in light of the systematic policy of torture and deliberate medical neglect against prisoners pursued by the occupation prisons administrations.
The wounded Palestinians are still paying the price as a result of the brutal and savage attacks and crimes of the occupation, in violation of the lowest human rights standards in accordance with international charters and norms. At the national level, the wounded continue to suffer from the lack of adequate and appropriate enjoyment of their social, health, educational and rehabilitation rights, as a result of many reasons, foremost of which is the division, knowing that the suffering of wounded women increases psychologically, economically and socially, which requires the integration of wounded rights in the government policies and agenda, in a way that achieves dignity without any discrimination.
The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) salutes the wounded on their national day, renews its support for them and their legitimate demands, and highly respects their role in the course of the national struggle of the Palestinian people. Therefore:
1. ICSPR calls on the international community to take a serious stand in front of the crimes of the Israeli military occupation state, which destroys everything that is Palestinian in an arbitrary and racist manner, leaving countless wounded and disabilities, in contravention of the lowest human rights covenants.
2. ICSPR calls for the adoption of an integrated national strategy to deal with the wounded, to ensure that they enjoy their rights guaranteed in the Basic Law, including dealing with the issues of the wounded from the perspective of community development and equality.
3. ICSPR calls for the development of a system of legislation regulating the rights of the wounded, with the need to harmonize it with international standards, and to adopt the wounded of the repeated Israeli aggressions on the Gaza Strip, including those wounded in the Marches of Return, in accordance with the principles and standards of equality and non-discrimination. 4. ICSPR calls on the Palestinian leadership to internationalize the cause of the Palestinian wounded, including working with and next to the International Criminal Court in terms of prosecuting the occupation state for its crimes against the wounded.