ICSPR condemns the occupation forces storming the house of the Governor of occupied Jerusalem “Adnan Ghaith”, and assaulting him and his family, and calls on the international community to provide protection for the symbols of the Palestinian people.
Ref: 141/2021
Date: 22 Nov 2021
Original Lang: Arabic
Press release,
ICSPR condemns the occupation forces storming the house of the Governor of occupied Jerusalem “Adnan Ghaith”, and assaulting him and his family, and calls on the international community to provide protection for the symbols of the Palestinian people.
The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) condemns and denounces the Israeli occupation forces storming the house of the Governor of occupied Jerusalem Adnan Ghaith in Silwan south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, at dawn today -Monday, November 22-, and assaulting the governor, his sons and cousins, injuring a number of them, destroying the contents of the house, and arresting three citizens of his relatives after brutally beating them.
It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation authorities renewed -in August- the decisions issued against Governor Ghaith, banning him arbitrarily from entering the occupied West Bank lands, and from participating in any meetings or events, including restricting his freedom of movement within the occupied city of Jerusalem, and preventing him from contacting and communicating with Palestinian figures. The occupation authorities have also subjected him to about 28 arrests since he started his work in 2018 to date.
ICSPR condemns the occupation forces’ storming of the aforementioned governor’s house, and considers that the continued assault on the symbols and representatives of the Palestinian people, constitutes additional evidence of the extent of the disregard for international legitimacy and the principles of international law, and believes that the continued and unjustified silence of the international community encourages the occupation state to commit more crimes against the Palestinians. Therefore:
- ICSPR calls on the international community to seriously pressure the Israeli occupation state, to ensure that it respects the immunity that the symbols of the Palestinian people enjoy, in a way that contributes to strengthening stability.
- ICSPR calls on the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention, to expeditiously fulfill their obligations contained in Article 1, according to which they pledge to respect the Convention, and to ensure respect for it in all cases, as well as their obligations contained in Article 146 of the Convention to prosecute those accused of grave breaches of the Convention.
- ICSPR calls on the leadership and the political parties to accelerate the pace of national reconciliation efforts, in order to ensure the activation of the ability of our people to confront the crimes of the occupation against Palestinian civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories at various levels, including the halls of the United Nations, organizations and various international judicial bodies, in order to isolate, boycott and hold the occupation leaders accountable for their ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people and their leaders.
- ICSPR calls on the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to work as quickly as possible to open a serious and transparent preliminary investigation into the Israeli crimes, including against symbols and representatives of the Palestinian people, as this is the most effective way to ensure deterring the occupation forces.