During a seminar of the Council of International Relations… Dr. Abd El Atie points out the differentiation between the occupation and the apartheid state, as well as the international repercussions.
Reference number: 45/2023
Date: 3 June 2023
Native language: Arabic
Press release
Dr. Abd El Atie points out the differentiation between the occupation and the apartheid state, as well as the international repercussions.
Dr. Salah Abd El Atie, head of the International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights “Hashd,” confirmed that the international community has failed for more than 75 years because of America’s prejudice toward Israel, in addition to its use of the “veto” to prevent the UN Security Council from fulfilling its obligations to Palestinians.
in addition to The continuation of hypocritical policies by the United Kingdom and the majority of European Union countries, as well as Canada and Australia, which contributed to the failure to protect human rights and recognize Palestinian rights through their policies. These countries’ financial help to the Palestinian people is an attempt to satisfy them. Shame is the result of the world community failing to exert pressure on Israel to respect the right of Palestinians to self-determination and to stop violating human rights, which implies that the international community carries a substantial portion of the blame for human rights violations in Palestine.
And he proceeded during an elite discussion session in Gaza City called “Occupation or Apartheid?” hosted by the Council on International Relations – Palestine in collaboration with the Protest and Anti-Normalization Campaign – Palestine. The term’s disagreements and international consequences impose a dual responsibility on them to ensure the provision of work mechanisms to end the occupation and racist settler colonialism, as well as provide protection for Palestinians and guarantee their right to return and self-determination until the international balance of power is changed.
Dr. Salah demonstrated the importance of Palestinians promoting political, diplomatic, and legal participation to raise the cost of the occupation and racist settler colonialism, to end the policy of waiting, hesitating, and betting on the illusions of a settlement, to return to negotiations, and to build on the approach of international law and the internationalization of the conflict in a comprehensive manner, in a way that preserves national rights The human being in Palestine, and hanging to political and legal discourse during the occupation conflict.
According to Abd El Atie, Article (42) of the 1907 Hague Convention defined occupation as “the land is considered occupied when it is under the actual authority of the enemy army,” indicating that the four Geneva Conventions apply to any area of land occupied during international hostilities.
“The Israeli occupation of Palestine began for the first time in history, that there is no state that occupies the Palestinians, but gangs that occupied Palestine in 1948,” he explained, describing that the international community committed a political sin by allowing a Jewish state to exist on Palestinian lands.
Furthermore, he added that apartheid is a breach of public international law and a crime against humanity under international criminal law, emphasizing that the crime of discrimination is part of the occupation’s activities rather than a racist regime.
In the words of Abd El Atie, the international community has recognized three regimes that are incompatible with human rights norms and international law: colonialism, apartheid, and foreign occupation, all of which apply to the Israeli occupation.
He underlined the need of refusing to acknowledge any right of the occupation on Palestinian property in view of its arrogance and unwillingness to recognize Palestinians and their rights, deeming the settlement road an unwise bet.
He focused on that there are international and regional elements in the Palestinian cause’s favor that must be invested if the Palestinian internal house is in order.
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The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (Hashd)