Briefing note on Israeli occupation violations in Jerusalem on March 2023
Number :/2023
Date: April 3, 2023
Native language: Arabic
Briefing note on Israeli occupation violations in Jerusalem on March 2023
The International Commission to Support the Palestinian Rights presents you with its compliments and appreciates your positive and visible role in the enjoyment by citizens without discrimination of their right to a dignified life, including Palestinians, especially the Palestinians, who suffer a threat to their freedom, lives, and property as a result of Israeli occupation policies in the occupied city of Jerusalem.
The Israeli occupying power, through the remarkable reality in Jerusalem last March, is committing full-fledged war crimes through numerous violations of Jerusalem’s population, incursions into and encroachments on the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque, arrests, home confinement, and demolitions of houses and installations.
The occupying forces continued to violate humanitarian and international law, assaulting the citizens, shedding their blood, and endangering them. During March, numerous violations of Israel’s occupation were observed in Jerusalem, most notably:
1. (3514) settlers broke into the holy Al-Aqsa mosque.
2. Monitoring (32) contact points.
3. (189) Arrests of Citizens.
4. (32) Home confinement.
5. (61) cases of deportation of Jerusalemites outside the occupied city of Jerusalem.
6. (25) Actual imprisonment of Jerusalemites by Israeli courts
7. (20) administrative imprisonment.
8. (12) cases of demolition of Jerusalem’s installations and homes.
The fact that these increasing numbers of Israeli violations and crimes clearly reflect Israel’s disregard for international law, United Nations resolutions, and the United Nations Security Council constitutes a clear breach of the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court. It is imperative that all elements of the international community work to put serious and effective pressure on the occupying power to ensure that it reverses its violations against the Jerusalem population in the occupied city of Jerusalem, while halting the escalation of settlers’ crimes during the holy month of Ramadan.
The Palestinian people, especially the victims and their families, are looking at your humanity first. as a lever to ensure that members of the international community fulfill their obligations to their citizens, At the same time, we call upon you to make further efforts by taking specific measures to halt Israeli violations of Jerusalem’s rights in the occupied city of Jerusalem. by pressuring the occupying power to compel it to respect the norms of international law and conventions and to act immediately and hard; to place our legitimate rights and demands of paramount importance; to end the suffering of Palestinians through the theft of their lands, through the United Nations’ handling of such suffering of Palestinians and Israeli crimes committed on the basis of international law and its established principles.
Accept our utmost respect.