An urgent message to put you in the picture of the occupation authorities targeting civilian objects during their current aggression on the Gaza Strip
Reference number: / 2023
Date: May 11, 2023
A humanitarian appeal
An urgent message to put you in the picture of the occupation authorities targeting civilian objects during their current aggression on the Gaza Strip
The International Commission for the Support of the Rights of the Palestinian People (Hashd) presents you with its greetings and highly appreciates your efforts to ensure that human beings enjoy a decent life wherever they are around the world, as a real and fundamental harmony with the charters and provisions of human rights, including also the enjoyment of Palestinian civilians, especially in the sector Gaza, those who are looking forward for your efforts and good offices towards “deterring the Israeli occupation authorities from their crimes and stopping the violations against civilians, and in a manner that ensures accountability for the perpetrators of these violations. Hope rests on you, to increase the scope of the Palestinian victims’ faith in international law and international human rights law.”Concerning the above subject: We are addressing you again now, through this urgent message, to put you in the picture of the developments of the aggression launched by the Israeli occupation against the Gaza Strip, and its systematic and deliberate targeting of civilian facilities, as the Israeli occupation army began its aggression against the Gaza Strip at dawn on Tuesday, corresponding to May 9, 2023.
I.C.S.P.R Sent the A humanitarian appeal to : The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,Secretary-General of the United Nations, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, High Commissioner for Human Rights and President of the Human Rights Council
We address you today; At a time when the aggression resulted in a tragic outcome of innocent victims, which, as of the date of writing this letter, amounted to the martyrdom of about (28) martyrs, including (8) children and (4) women. More than 84 other civilians were injured, while the occupation authorities, through missile attacks and suicide planes, continue to target civilian objects and infrastructure in the sector, as the damage caused by the Israeli aggression reached about 20 apartments that were destroyed. , while (28) apartments were hit with severe and massive damage, as it has become unfit for habitation, in addition to the damage to more than (268) apartments partially, and (11) housing units completely; And severe damage to the road, water, electricity, and sanitation networks as a result of the indiscriminate military strikes, while warnings continue that the only power plant will stop, due to the stopping of the necessary fuel flow. To operate it to close the occupation crossings with the Gaza Strip. This will exacerbate the suffering and repercussions on the human rights situation of civilians.
The Israeli escalation in the Gaza Strip, the assassination crimes, the targeting of civilians by killing outside the framework of the law and the judiciary, and the targeting of civilian property constitute organized state terrorism and a gross violation of international law. Persistent fear that the current military attacks will be a prelude to broader aggression for which Palestinian civilians will pay the price, contrary to the minimum rules of protection for civilians and civilian objects in times of armed conflict, which requires you and all members of the international community, individually and/or collectively, to work with the highest responsibility in what Ensures secure protection of the civilian population as a basic guaranteed right, including pressure on the occupation authorities to oblige them to stop their aggression and hold them accountable for their crimes, as it is the most effective way to restore respect for international law and the rules of justice in the eyes of the victims, away from the selectivity and double standards that the international community deals with whenever it is related to the rights of the Palestinian people. In light of all of the above, we hope that you will intervene quickly now, because tomorrow may be too late, as Palestinian civilians view your contribution and interference as a lever to guarantee their right to life and self-determination, like other people.
Salah Abdel Ati
Lawyer and Chairman of the Board