An appeal issued by the International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR)
An appeal issued by the International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR)
The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is a unique opportunity to promote activities of solidarity with the rights of the Palestinian people
The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) highly appreciates your constant eagerness to intervene for the sake of human beings and their rights, and appreciates your positive and well-known role to intervene in order to protect human rights in general and the rights of the Palestinian people in particular.
ICSPR launches this appeal pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 40/32, which stipulates that the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People shall be celebrated annually on or around November 29th, in order to urge the international community, including countries and organizations, the free people around the world, the lovers of peace and justice, the defenders of human and peoples’ rights, especially the influential people in Europe and America, the group of Arab and Islamic countries, especially politicians, media, professionals, representatives of unions, civil societies and representatives of the private sector, young women and men around the world, to move to ensure the realization and empowerment of the Palestinian people to exercise their legitimate rights, and to work to force the Israeli occupation to immediately stop its illegal and immoral policies towards the rights of the Palestinian people.
Therefore, the International Commission (ICSPR) affirms:
• Its condemnation of the Israeli occupation crimes of settlement, the siege of the Gaza Strip, prisoner abuse in the occupation prisons, field executions of Palestinians, and Israeli wars, and the Israeli occupation abandoning its responsibilities towards Palestinian civilians, especially in the current circumstances with the spread of the Coronavirus; ICSPR emphasizes on national rights and demand to end the occupation and enable the Palestinian people to have their right to self-determination and establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, and the right to return in accordance with Resolution 194.
• Salutes the international solidarity movement with the rights of the Palestinian people, which had a very prominent role in exposing the Israeli crimes, and in placing the international community in front of its legal and moral responsibilities. ICSPR affirms that supporting the Palestinian cause can’t be achieved without international solidarity that restores the Palestinian cause file on top of priorities for the international community.
• Affirms that the Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights resulted in deteriorating the human rights conditions and the living, economic, social, psychological and health conditions of the Palestinian civilians, which constitute a war crime and a crime of collective punishment against civilians in the Gaza Strip for violating the stable provisions of international human rights and international humanitarian laws that obligate the occupation towards the civilians of the land it occupied.
The International Commission looks forward and urges all those who care about justice and humanity in all parts of the world to stand with the Palestinians by organizing various solidarity activities, to make this day an international day for action and solidarity work in all its forms, and calls on governments of the free world to demand ending the Israel persecution of the Palestinian people.
As applicable practical steps, we invite you to:
• Seriously work to pressure governments around the world, especially those supplying weapons to the occupation state, to stop doing so as it is considered a participation in killing us with these weapons in a criminal way.
• Express your solidarity and sympathy with the victims and the Palestinian people, by implementing various solidarity activities that depend on drawing the attention of peoples and governments to the suffering of the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights.
• Pledge to work hard to expand the international isolation of the Israeli occupation, including boycotting Israeli products, to dissuade Israel and its warfare forces from continuing the policy of killing demonstrators and enabling Palestinian refugees to return to their homes from which they were forcibly displaced,
• Support the rights of the Palestinian people, on top of which is their right to return and their right to self-determination, in accordance with what is established in the core of international law and action, march alone or with others in peaceful demonstrations in front of the Israeli embassies in your country, and in front of the responsible government agencies, urging them to act in a manner that guarantees the safety of the Palestinian demonstrators and guarantees the implementation of the rights of the Palestinian people.
Best Regards
Lawyer Salah Atti
Chairman of ICSPR