Abdul-Atty: The suffering of public servants continues as a result of the discriminatory policies pursued by the National Authority against Gaza.
Num: 5/2021
Date: 7 Nov 2021
Press release
Abdul-Atty: The suffering of public servants continues as a result of the discriminatory policies pursued by the National Authority against Gaza.
Occupied Palestine/Gaza: Dr. Salah Abdul-Atty, the chairman of ICSPR’s Board of Directors, stressed that the suffering of public servants in the Gaza Strip continues as a result of discriminatory policies of the National Authority on geographical basis.
He added during a video interview conducted by “Al-Ghad” channel: “This has made public servants vulnerable to extreme poverty, they have become unable to provide the minimum of their obligations due to cutting their salaries for practicing their right to freedom of opinion and expression”.
Abdul-Atty indicated that thousands of public servants were forced to borrow to provide for their families, until many of them became wanted for receivables and others were imprisoned, and dozens of them are in extreme suffering due to the absence of justice and respect for the Palestinian law by the National Authority.
And continued: “As a human rights defender who has been working in the legal and human rights field for more than 20 years. I have not seen anything more difficult than the continuous and sequential cutting of salaries. Since the political division, I have followed up with the Palestinian Authority hundreds of complaints about cutting salaries, with full awareness of the seriousness of these violations as a crime that goes beyond the Basic Law, the Service System in the Security Forces, the Civil Service Law, and Public Pension.”
Abdul-Atty stressed that the violations of the authority had a severe impact on hundreds of public servants who become unable to provide medicine and food, provide basic requirements, and pay university fees for their children, as the level of their enjoyment of their minimum rights declined, stressing that it is an ongoing crime that must be stopped, with the need to return the rights of these employees whose salaries were cut retroactively in order to preserve the rule of law.