ICSPR: The recent flood of decree-laws issued by the president indicates the continuous attempts at hegemony and exclusion

ICSPR: The recent flood of decree-laws issued by the president indicates the continuous attempts at hegemony and exclusion

ImportantMainPress newsPress Release

Date: 7 Mar 2021 

Press release

ICSPR: The recent flood of decree-laws issued by the president indicates the continuous attempts at hegemony and exclusion

The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) followed with great concern the Palestinian President’s issuance, on 05 March 2021, of decree-law No. () of 2021 regarding the postponement of the elections for syndicates, federations and popular organizations, which must be held during this period, provided that the presidents and members of the Syndicates and Federations Councils shall continue to assume the prescribed duties.

The preamble of the decree-law included reference to Presidential Decree No. (03) of 2021 regarding calling for legislative, presidential and national elections, and reference to decree-Law No. (07) of 2020 regarding the state of emergency, and referring to the laws governing the work of the Pharmacists Association, Bar Association, Agricultural Engineers Association, the Association of Engineering Professions, and Dentists Association. The preamble of the decree-law also included the phrase (in light of the exceptional circumstances that the country is going through).

ICSPR warns of the flood of decree-laws that do not carry any urgent necessity and that disturb the current atmosphere, and considers the keenness to hold elections for syndicates and popular organizations as a necessary input that contributes to strengthening democracy; it expresses its concerns due to the timing of the issuance of the decree-law, which enhances the authority’s control over the community of professional unions and civil society organizations. ICSPR is well-aware of the exceptional circumstances related to the spread of the Coronavirus, and insists on demanding the following:

  • ICSPR affirms that the decree-law regarding the postponement of elections for syndicates and popular organizations is in contradiction to the idea and spirit of the presidential decree calling for legislative, presidential and National Council elections.
  • ICSPR calls on the Palestinian president to stop issuing decree-laws, especially those that lack necessity, and calls the Palestinian president to immediately withdraw the recent ones.
  • ICSPR urges and calls upon the presidents, members of the councils of trade unions and popular organizations and their general assembly, to express their rejection of this decree-law, especially that it was issued without consulting anyone.
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