“Palestinian Cause and Rights between Reality and Future Prospects.”
Date:21 Jun 2022
Press Release
“Palestinian Cause and Rights between Reality and Future Prospects.”
Researchers and professors from inside and outside Palestine confirmed the importance of formulating a national strategy based on the evaluation of the Palestinian national struggle experience to relaunch it through employing resistance with all its forms. They also agreed on the impossibility of ending the Palestinian political crisis without ending the factions’ division.
This came during the Palestinian Cause Forum 2022, which was held by the International Commission to Support the Palestinian cause in partnership with PALM Strategic Initiatives Centre in Gaza, under the title “Palestinian Cause and Rights between Reality and Future Prospects.”
Salah Abdel Atty, the head of the International Commission to Support the Palestinian Rights, said that the Forum comes in light of exceptional conditions that surround the Palestinian cause, most importantly the Palestinian political system, the singularity state in administrating the public affairs, the absence of the institutes’ role and the recession in the role of the National Movement. In addition, the Israeli occupation does not pay any respect to the international and humanitarian laws or the international legislative laws, nor does it recognize the Palestinian national rights. Instead, it respects the silent annexation of the West Bank and Al-Quds lands for the sake of colonial expansion.
He also stressed the significance of studying the current Palestinian political system and its dimension to reach a national political system, confirming the importance of reforming the Liberation Organization through elections that will include 14 m. Palestinians inside the nation and in the diaspora.
Nuha Eleyyan, Head of Media in PALM, confirmed the centre’s readiness to adopt any idea stems out from the forum and might enhance support for the Palestinian cause.
She added that such initiatives surely keep the Palestinian cause and its legislation present in the international scene.
In the Forum run by Fathi Al-Shuqaqi, professor of Media and Journalism in Palestine University, a number of political science professors and researchers from different Palestinian universities took part in, along with the participation of Tareq Fahmi, professor of political sciences in Cairo University via Zoom.
The participating papers in the Forum focused on reading the current reality of the Palestinian cause and analyzing the reasons that led to this point of international recession and Israel’s domination over the decision-makers in the world. The researchers gave solutions to return the Palestinian cause to the forefront, while Dr. Bassim Naim; the head of Council on International Relations, Majed Al-Arouri; director of the Civil Commission for the Independence of Judiciary and Justice, and Abdelhamid Seyam; the legal expert and lecturer in Rutgers University in the United States of America, commented on the papers and appreciated them. They also confirmed the recommendations represented in the importance of revising all the legal gains that the Palestinian diplomacy succeeded in achieving them and holding whoever try to deactivate it accountable, as well as appreciated the importance of adopting all forms of national struggle based on uniting all concepts and terms to influence the western public opinion, guarantee a united speech, empower boycott, and impose sanctions on the Israeli occupation.
They also stressed on the significance of delaying the idea of establishing the Palestinian State, and rather empower the social cohesion and treat the negative consequences of the establishment of an Authority in light of the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian division. Moreover, they emphasized the value of the continued national dialogue among the division’s parties, the serious efforts made to consolidate the crises and resolve the small problems until the big problems are solved, and the reactivation of the popular pressure to conduct comprehensive elections to guarantee the transformation in the Palestinian political system.
At the end, the attendees were allowed to share opinions and solutions to revive the Palestinian cause and restore the Palestinian right.