ImportantMainPress newsPress Release

ICSPR: The Israeli occupation forces killed (2) demonstrators and injured (76) others in the Return Marches. The Committee demands referring the Israeli occupation crimes against peaceful demonstrators to the International Criminal Court

Ref: 62/2019

Date: 6 Sep 2019


 Press Release,

ICSPR: The Israeli occupation forces killed (2) demonstrators and injured (76) others in the Return Marches. The Committee demands referring the Israeli occupation crimes against peaceful demonstrators to the International Criminal Court


The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights “ICSPR” strongly condemns the continuation of the Israeli occupation forces to target the Palestinians participating in the return and siege breaking marches in Gaza Strip for the 73rd consecutive Friday.

 According the Ministry of Health, the Israeli occupation forces today at the Friday entitled Front Home Protection “ 6 Sep 2019″ until 18:00, deliberately used excessive and lethal force against demonstrators, killing (2) children: Ali Sami Al-Ashqar, 17 yr, and Khalid Abu Bakr Mohammed Al-Rubai 14 yr, and injuring (76) civilians, (46) of them with live bullets including 2 badged paramedics and a journalist.

The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights “ICSPR” considers the continuation of the killing of peaceful demonstrators in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli occupation forces a policy that carries with it a clear denial of the rights of Palestinians, especially their basic right to life, and considers that the policy of killing peaceful demonstrators comes within the framework of a systematic plan supported by a political decision of the highest military and political levels in the Israeli occupation state, which gives no regard to the system of international humanitarian law and human rights law. Therefore, ICSPR demands the following:

  1. ICSPR strongly condemns the crimes perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces, and believes that the continued impunity of the Israeli occupation for its crimes encourages it to commit more crimes in the future against Palestinian civilians.
  2. ICSPR calls upon the international community, the United Nations and the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention to fulfill their moral and legal responsibilities to stop the war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces against peaceful demonstrators participating in the return marches, and to work to provide international protection for Palestinian civilians.
  3. ICSPR affirms that the crimes of the Israeli occupation forces against peaceful demonstrators constitute a full-fledged war crime in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court, and therefore renews its demand to the international community and the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, to open serious investigations to ensure accountability of the leaders of the Israeli occupation.
  4. ICSPR reiterates its call on national parties and categories to work hard to restore national unity on the basis of the implementation of the reconciliation and political partnership agreements and develop a national strategy to face the deal of the century and national challenges.
  5. ICSPR demands the Palestinian leadership to refer the crimes of the occupation against the demonstrators and all files to the Permanent International Criminal Court, under article 14 of the Rome Charter, and not only to refer the file of settlements, which would ensure that the Israeli criminals will be held accountable.



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