ICSPR: The appropriate response to the current Israeli escalation in the Gaza Strip is working to build a Palestinian strategy based on internationalizing the conflict and restoring national unity.
Ref: 57/2021
Date: 10 May 2021
Original Lang.: Arabic
Press release,
ICSPR: The appropriate response to the current Israeli escalation in the Gaza Strip is working to build a Palestinian strategy based on internationalizing the conflict and restoring national unity.
The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights “ICSPR” condemns in the strongest possible terms the Israeli occupation continued perpetuation of its crimes against civilians and civilian facilities in the Gaza Strip since the evening of Monday ” May 10″ until the moment, which resulted according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in the death of (20) civilians, including 9 children, one of whom was a 10-year-old girl, and the injury of 65 others, in addition to destroying many civilian facilities and agricultural lands.
Moreover, the Israeli occupation forces continue to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque and brutally attack worshipers and suppress the demonstrators in the holy city, using excessive force, and deliberately inflicting injuries among worshipers and demonstrators, which resulted in the injury of 305 Palestinians, including 7 in critical conditions.
ICSPR considers that the Israeli escalation in the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem a violation of international law, which only the occupation holds the responsibility for its consequences.
ICSPR warns that the current military attacks are a prelude to a wider aggression that Palestinian civilians will pay for, and believes that the appropriate response to the current Israeli escalation, is building a Palestinian strategy based on internationalizing the conflict and restoring national unity, and affirms that the persistence of the Israeli occupation forces in committing their crimes against the citizens of the Gaza Strip and their civilian properties would not have occurred if it wasn’t for the continued policy of international silence and the continued enjoyment of the occupation state leaders of immunity in the face of international accountability and justice. Therefore:
- ICSPR calls on the international community to intervene immediately and urgently to force the Israeli occupation to stop its ongoing hostilities in the Gaza Strip, and work to stop the Israeli violence and aggression.
- ICSPR urges the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention to fulfill their moral and legal duties by taking urgent action to stop the Israeli aggression, and to provide international protection for the civilian population, especially children and women.
- ICSPR confirms that the Israeli occupation forces’ continued targeting of Palestinian civilians in general, and the residents of the Gaza Strip in particular, is a well-described and full-fledged war crime in accordance with the standards of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute that established the permanent International Criminal Court in The Hague.
- ICSPR demands the Palestinian leadership and the entire national community to build a strategy based on internationalizing the conflict, maximizing the popular, diplomatic, legal and media engagement with the occupation, adopting the BDS movement and to urge all countries to impose sanctions on Israel.
- ICSPR demands the president and the government to start immediately to stop the punitive measures on the Gaza Strip, and to provide the elements of steadfastness for the citizens