Press Release
ICSPR: the American decision is a clear contribution in the Israeli continuing crimes such as settlement and confiscating the Palestinian land
The International Commission to Support the Palestinian Rights (ICSPR) deeply condemns the announcement and recognition of the US President Donald Trump in his speech tonight (Wednesday, 06 December 2017) that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and that his country will begin the transfer of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
The American decision aims to legitimize the settlement and confiscating the Palestinian land carried out by the occupying power in Jerusalem. These actions contradict with the principle of the inadmissibility of the annexation of the occupied territories of the Occupying Power, which is considered by the jurists as the most important principle of the established principles of international law and regulates the relationship between the occupying state and the occupied state
ICSPR believes that this day is a black day in the history of humanity and affirms that American decisions constitute a clear violation of international law and that the American administration bears international responsibility. ICSPR urges the Palestinian leadership to confront this decision by building a new Palestinian strategy that does not depend on the course of the negotiations, but rather to employ all the international legal instruments, including the right of peoples to resist the occupier.
1- ICSPR calls upon The Palestinian Leadership to stop the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations, end security coordination, withdraw recognition of the occupying state, accelerate national reconciliation steps, including lifting sanctions on the Gaza Strip, and establish a plan to support the steadfastness of Jerusalems people and institutions.
2- ICSPR stresses the importance of Palestinian, Arab and Islamic work to isolate and hold the United States and Israel accountable, and to move before the international judicial bodies to question the US and Israel forcommitting international crimes.
3- ICSPR consider the American decisions as a clear violation of the principles of international legitimacy and international humanitarian law and of all international resolutions relevant to the Palestinian cause since its inception, especially the resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly on the city of Jerusalem.
4- ICSPR urges the international community and the free world to denounce US actions and decisions and work towards a UN resolution to boycott Israel for not complying with United Nations resolutions, in particular Security Council resolution 2234 of 23 December 2016, on the illegality of Israeli settlements.
5- ICSPR urges the League of Arab States and the Organization of the Islamic Conference to initiate international, political, diplomatic and legal moves to bring to justice the US and Israel for their crimes against the Palestinian people