ICSPR: The American deal is an international crime that violates the rules of international law and aims to liquidate the inalienable Palestinian rights
Ref: 12/2020
Date 27 Jan 2020
Original Lang.: Arabic
Press Release,
On the eve of announcing the so-called (deal of the century)
ICSPR: The American deal is an international crime that violates the rules of international law and aims to liquidate the inalienable Palestinian rights
The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) follows up with great concern the forthcoming American declaration of what is known as the “deal of the century” in the coming hours, and points out that this declaration constitutes an international crime aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause, and applies the law of the jungle and de facto politics. In addition, it represents a complete bias and support for the crimes of the Israeli occupation authorities.
The successive American measures since Trump announced the recognition of the occupied city of Jerusalem as the capital of the occupation state, the transfer of the American embassy to it, cutting off UNRWA funding, the attempt to cancel the inherited refugee status, prevent the renewal of UNRWA’s mandate, close the office of the PLO in the United States, and the attempts to change the legal status of the occupied Palestinian territories by saying that settlement does not contradict international law, the announcement of annexing the occupied Golan lands to the occupation state, and other measures to support the occupation militarily, politically, and economically, until the announcement of the deal of the century, which constitutes an international crime and a clear violation of the United Nations Charter and the principles and rules of international law, including the right of peoples to self-determination, the right of refugees to return to their homes, the illegality of settlements, and the inadmissibility of annexing the occupied territories, which holds the US administration international responsibility for all the consequences of this plan.
ICSPR confirms that the American steps and procedures constitute an international crime under the law, and welcoms the official and popular Arab and international positions rejecting the US plan to be announced on Tuesday, 28 January 2020. ICSPR considers these positions as an important step towards victory for the rights of the Palestinian people and international law, and towards forming public opinion that rejects the US-Israeli measures and place them in the corner of non-compliance with international law and a gross violation of the rights of the Palestinian people of freedom, return, and the establishment of an independent state on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital, which are inalienable rights in accordance with the relevant international legitimacy resolutions, and considers that the current challenges and American and Israeli crimes, urgently require working on turning the page of internal division and restore national unity on the basis of political partnership as it is the shortest way to face the deal of the century. ICSPR affirms that the current historical moment requires the Palestinians to call for a meeting that includes all national parties and community leaders to agree on a detailed and comprehensive plan of action to confront the deal of the century, enables the Palestinian people wherever they are to defend their own destiny and their homeland, and focuses on creating a cumulative change in the balance of power to enable our people to restore national rights. Therefore, ICSPR demands the following:
• ICSPR calls on the international community, and in particular the United Nations, to bear its legal and moral responsibilities to ensure respect for international law, to put an end to US-Israeli procedures and crimes aimed at politicizing international law and its established principles, and to stop the violation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.
• ICSPR urges the United Nations and international and regional organizations, including parliamentary unions, to work on issuing decisions that adopt the official and popular Palestinian position rejecting the so-called (deal of the century), and work on issuing decisions to boycott Israel for not abide by the United Nations resolutions.
• ICSPR calls on the international community to carry out its responsibility to implement the decisions it issued to guarantee the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including decisions that confirm the illegitimacy of the occupation, colonial settlement and the Israeli siege, the illegality of any amendments to the special status of the city of Jerusalem, and work hard to activate the procedures stipulated in Chapter VI and VII of the Charter of the United Nations, and to provide international protection for the Palestinian people.
• ICSPR calls on the League of Arab States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to translate the decisions of the Arab and Islamic summits into practical measures to protect the Palestinians rights and support their struggle to undermine the deal of the century, prevent normalization with the occupation state, work to protect Jerusalem, confront colonial settlement crimes, lift the siege on Gaza, and support the steadfastness of the Palestinians under occupation.
• ICSPR stresses the right of the Palestinian people in all gatherings to resist the occupation and colonial plans and demands to activate the boycott campaigns of the Israeli occupation state and the United States of America politically, economically, culturally and academically, including keenness to invest the energies of Palestinian communities in expanding solidarity networks and defending the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.
• ICSPR demands that the files of war crimes and crimes against humanity be referred to the International Criminal Court, to go to the Court of Justice in The Hague, and to hold the countries of the world responsible for the violations and daily crimes committed by the occupation state and the settlers in a way that contributes to curbing the occupation and its ongoing aggression and the apartheid regime that it imposes.
• ICSPR demands that the states parties to the Geneva Conventions be called to hold an urgent conference in order to pressure the Israeli occupation state to stop its war crimes against Palestinian civilians and to force it to abide by the provisions of international humanitarian law.
• ICSPR urges the Palestinian leadership to reconsider the form, nature, functions, obligations and budget of the Authority, through the implementation of the decisions of the National Council in this regard, and to start phasing out the Oslo commitments and provide the elements of steadfastness, resistance and human presence on the homeland.
• ICSPR calls for working to develop a global front that includes different international blocs and forces of global public opinion supporting our cause, and the various United Nations organizations, to support the program of ending the occupation, settlement, return, and national independence, and on the basis of forming an international position that adheres to the foundations of conflict resolution as contained in the relevant United Nations resolutions, in order to ensure that the Palestinian people can exercise their legitimate national rights.
• ICSPR demands the Palestinian leadership, diplomacy and Palestinian factions to exert additional and significant efforts in order to ensure that the international community adopts a clear position towards the American-Israeli attempts to impose what is known as the deal of the century, and to liquidate the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.