International Commission to support Palestinians Rights Support and solidarity with breast cancer patients who are forbidden from traveling to receive appropriate treatment.
Gaza Strip/I.C.S.P.R appreciates the Protest steps initiated by dozens of breast cancer patients who forbidden to travel, through abstinence taking their medication, I.C.S.P.R demands the international community and all concerned for an urgent movement to enable cancer patients to travel for treatment.
A week ago, dozens of breast cancer patients, residents of Gaza Strip, who are forbidden form travel, declared a hunger strike protesting their inability of travelling to receive medical dosage in West Bank, Jerusalem or hospitals of the occupied inside. But due to the effects of the hunger strike on their health, strike were restricted on abstinence taking their medication in an attempt to put pressure on the military Israeli authorities to allow them to travel to West Bank and Jerusalem or the hospitals of occupied inside for treatment.
This, The patients have resorted to this escalatory steps due to the Continuance of military Israeli authorities preventing breast cancer from exercising their right to travel freely from Gaza Strip to receive treatment in West Bank hospitals for more than five consecutive months by the Israeli occupation.
Available statistics indicate that the number of patients who forbidden to travel by the occupation authorities through Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing for treatment in the inside hospitals 65%, cancer patients, half of them women. And that 548 cancer patients applied this year permits to travel to Jerusalem and West Bank hospitals for treatment, a 287 patients did not approve their applicants, 125 patient was security refused by the occupation authorities.
I.C.S.P.R declares its full solidarity with cancer patients in Gaza Strip, especially who are banned from traveling, considering continuing preventing them from traveling to receive appropriate treatment, a permission to kill them in cold blood, Stressing that medical facilities and hospitals in Gaza Strip, did not respond to the medical needs of cancer patients, and lack the minimum conditions of their medical services, fearing for the lives of cancer patients in Gaza Strip, it recorded and demand:
1- Carrying Military Israeli State legal and ethical responsibility for the lives of cancer patients in Gaza Strip, and calls upon it to shoulder its responsibilities under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.
2- Considers that occupation authorities prevention patients from traveling and denial of movement and treatment violates all international laws and norms.
3- Calls upon the international community and particularly the World Health Organization, UN women, the need to intervene in order to put pressure on the military Israeli authorities to facilitate and enable cancer patients to travel and return to receive appropriate treatment.
4- calls on the Palestinian Government and the relevant authorities to assume their responsibilities towards the suffering of patients and cancer patients in Gaza Strip, By finding strategic and quality solutions that respond to the needs of cancer patients, and when reach it, to work hard to ensure the arrival of cancer patients to specialized hospitals to receive appropriate treatment.
International Commission to support Palestinian rights
Occupied Palestine- Gaza strip.