Israeli occupation has not eover the longnded today, as the Israeli occupation forces continue to commit the most egregious crimes against Palestinian children wherever they exist and impose more sanctions on civilians including children.
The memorandum clarified that this event comes this year at a time when the policies and procedures of the Israeli occupation government and settlers are escalating on Palestinian civilians, including the field executions policy of children and the policies of arbitrary arrests of hundreds of children in the occupied Palestinian territories, where this policy violates all International and humanitarian laws.
In the same context, ICSPR calls upon the Special Representative to give maximum importance to the suffering of Palestinian children on the basis that international law and its stable principles are at the forefront of any position taken to ensure that Israel and its war forces are subjected and pressured to stop their systematic policies against children and release detainees as a quick unpostponable step under any justification, as well as to put pressure on Israel to stop the children killing policy in Palestine, the policy of demolishing the homes of their families, ending the siege on Gaza Strip and making sure not to repeat the scenes of killing children in Gaza Strip under flimsy pretexts, and for that, we believe that putting Israel on the blacklist of States violates the rights of children is the least thing to do, we also urge you to work alongside the international and Palestinian community to reduce impunity by providing adequate reports and information to the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC to urge them to move forward and open an international criminal investigation into the crimes of Israeli commanders and soldiers who commit crimes against children in Palestine.