ICSPR: International community puts Israel on the “Black List”
The International Commission to the Support Palestinian Rights (ICSPR) welcomes putting the Israeli occupation on the black list of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The black list includes all countries and entities accused of violating human rights around the world. On September 20, UN Secretary General issued the report in its eighth edition with blacklisting 29 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, including the Israel.
Although the report mentioned and documented the acts of revenge conducted by Israel against people collaborating with the United Nations, it only documented a small part of the continuous violation against the Palestinian people and the civil right institutions working in the occupied territories
ICSPR welcomes this step and consider it as defending the principles that the international community agreed upon especially the Palestinian right to resist the occupation. ICSPR motivates the Palestinian diplomacy to invest in this report and build upon it through the following:
1- ICSPR sees that the Human Rights Council adaptation of this blacklist including the Israeli occupation state provides additional evidence on the falsity of Israeli allegations. This step should encourage the ICC Prosecutor’s Office to proceed in opening investigations about all the violations committed by the occupying Power.
2- ICSPR urges the Human Rights Council to work honestly and seriously to translate this list on the ground, especially in light of the significant deterioration of the human rights situation in the occupied territories due to the Israeli actions.
3- ICSPR urges the international community to fulfill its legal and moral responsibilities to ensure respect for international human rights and international humanitarian law, protecting the Palestinian people and ending the Israeli violations committed against them.