ICSPR Calls the Palestinian Government to lift the recent sanctions against Gaza.
Palestine/ Gaza stirp
The International Commission to support the Palestinian People’s Rights thanks the Egyptian role and all the Palestinian Parties to achieve the Palestinian reconciliation. ICSPR welcomes the Unity government and urges it to take all its responsibilities in the strip. It also welcomes the positive atmosphere that accompanied the arrival of the unity government, in addition to all the procedure Hamas took to facilitate the government work especially dissolving the administrative committee which contributed positively in transforming the responsibilities in all the ministries easily.
ICSPR also followed up with caution and concern the government statement issued after the National Government meeting because it did not contain clear indication with details regarding the current and the future government plans to find solution to all problems and crises occurred during years of division. It also did not mentioned lifting all collective punishment imposed on Gaza especially it came when all the Palestinian people look to complete the process of reconciliation as soon as possible. ICSPR also calls the unity government to take advantage of the positive of the government arrival to Gaza on Monday 2/10/2014.
ICSPR looks forward to the unity government progress in tackling all the problems resulting from the internal division, on top of which the recent sanctions. It also urges the government to find legal solutions in accordance with the Palestinian Basic law which would result in returning the people trust in the power of law and the political system. On top of all these, it is highly important that the Palestinian people will have the opportunity to choosing their own deputies through free democratic election.
ICSPR believes that the current opportunity requires the Palestinian government to act and to ensure that the crises in the Gaza Strip are tackled to prevent any future human rights violations. ICSPR emphasize also that the government has responsibilities to guarantee that tackling the crises has nothing to do with any political disagreement between Fatah and Hamas especially the current sanction against the strip which violate the human rights especially since these decisions are not connected to the Cairo dialogues.
ICSPR looks to see the first indicators of enhancing trust, ensuring the rule of law, respecting the citizens’ rights and the government employees in the Gaza Strip, and handling their problem in accordance to what was before April 2017.
ICSPR expresses its deep welcoming for the Palestinian reconciliation meanwhile that the unity government takes its responsibilities on the Gaza strip, which enables it to work hard ensuring the respect of the human rights, and to achieve all the Palestinians’ aspirations in a better future where the law is prevailed. Also, the unity government must put more efforts in rebuilding the structure of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and must guarantee that the function of the government is accepted by the Palestinian in which it will represent all of them. Moreover it should provide conditions to form the national unity seeking to achieve the Palestinians’ right of return, self-determination and ending the occupation. ICSPR declares its readiness to support the national reconciliation path through the following:
- ICSPR calls the unity government to respect the law, to take clear decisions to stop the recent collective punishments and to deal with the effects which have been caused like the electricity, health and education crisis, in addition to the employees, who have been deducted from their monthly salaries and have been referred to early retirement in conformity with national and international law.
2- ICSPR calls the unity government to set future plans which guarantee finding solutions to current humanitarian crises in Gaza, in addition to paving the road to achieve the reconciliation.
3- ICSPR calls the Palestinian society in all its components including parties, civil society organizations, different unions and all youth sectors to protect the reconciliation agreement through serious pressure to ensure the retreat of the collective punishments on the Gaza strip. It also calls to ensure launching a comprehensive national dialogue to restore the national unity, to rebuild political system based on political and democratic partnership, the rule of law , the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary, and respecting the human rights and enhancing the people steadfastness.
4- ICSPR calls Egypt to put pressure to ensure achieving the national reconciliation and work to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip in addition to put pressure on the president and the government to stop all the illegal measures against the employees of the government and the residents of the Gaza Strip as this is the first political, moral and legal responsibility towards the strip.
5- ICSPR sees that achieving reconciliation must guarantee restoring democracy and the rule of law. It also should ensure the independence of judiciary and reactivating the parliament and the executive authority both on the civil and security level. It is also very important to revise lows and producers formed during the past ten years which affect all the social sector negatively especially the human rights. Working to guarantee free presidential and parliamentary elections is very important as well as preparing for future election within the Palestinian Liberation Organization