Press release
ICSPR calls for the Palestinian Government to implement the latest reconciliation agreement to ensure the protection of human rights
Palestine-Gaza Strip: International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights ICSPR is following with great concern the marked slowdown in the implementation of the Palestinian Government and Presidency, particularly the Government in Gaza Strip to assume its ethical and legal responsibilities, and to cease and address the implications of the collective punitive measures implemented by the Palestinian Government against Gaza Strip recently.
It’s been nearly 10 consecutive days on the declaration of the Palestinian political opponents under Egyptian auspices that they reached a new agreement to resolve the Administrative Committee in Gaza Strip, in order to enable the Government of National Consensus can take over the administration of authority in Gaza Strip, and assuming different responsibilities, however, the Palestinian citizen did not feel any real change on the ground, violations of the rights of citizens, employees and collective sanctions continues, which increases pessimism and the willingness and the readiness of the Palestinian Government to implement the Palestinian reconciliation on the ground.
International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights ICSPR is looking and urging the Palestinian parties to move forward to address all the problems in internal division, chiefly to find legal and realistic processors to ensure stopping the effects of Government decisions against Gaza Strip employees, and ensure find the exits to details that leading to restore the confidence of the Palestinian people of the Palestinian political and constitutional system and to enable them to exercise their political, civil, economic, social, and ensure that public and private freedoms, including the right to choose their representatives, through free and fair elections.
International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights ICSPR considering that passing this period of time without any real moves mean in short positive national atmosphere is not invested, which came upon the Egyptian efforts that led to resolve the Administrative Committee in Gaza Strip, may impede the implementation agreement, ICSPR declares its willingness to support the path of national reconciliation, so, they call for the following:
ICSPR demands the Palestinian Government to quickly invest this opportunity and not wasting it، and to take clear decisions to stop the recent collective punishments and address its results consistent with national and international law.
ICSPR demands the Government of national consensus to take over ownership of Gaza، and to put plans that respond to humanitarian crises in Gaza Strip، particularly the crises of electricity, health, education, and cuts the salaries of employee and employees’ who have been referred for early retirement.
ICSPR urges the Palestinian parties to work hard to find a solutions for the impact of internal violations and victims of division through planning national program or system development for transitional justice, inspired by Arab and international experiences.