ICSPR and Al Israa University organized Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoner
International Commission to Support Palestinian Day (I.C.S.P.R) and faculty of Law at Al Israa University on Tuesday18 April 2017 organized Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoner titled “The detainees in Israeli jails….We stand in solidarity with you “at Al Israa university headquarter, a number of the university students were in attendance.
The Solidarity day started with specialized workshop, Dr. Alaa’ Mattar, Dean of the Law Faculty, Israa University, opened the workshop saying that Israa University supporting Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli jails who are suffering from serious violations by Israel Prisons Service, Mattar thanked the students of prisoners and detainees rights course, who planned for this day in cooperation with International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights supervised by Dr. Samer Mousa, considering this a positive step to guarantee full integration into the society in compliance with the university guidelines through applied education.
Dr, Alaa Hamouda, Director of awareness and training department, expressed his happiness of collaborating with Al-Israa University, stressing on the importance of ICSPR position to involve with all sectors of the Palestinian society and unite them behind the legitimate demands of the Palestinian prisoners and support freedom and dignity hunger strike.
Fouad Al Razam Ex-Detainee, and Rami Mohsen, Secretary of ICSPR, presented working papers that discussed the urgent cases that Palestinian prisoners and detainees suffering from in Israeli Jails, they included that Israel Prisons Service was deliberately pursuing oppressive policies against Palestinian detainees, through subjecting prisoners and detainees to inhumane conditions, and denial of family visits, the denial of adequate medical care, unjust imprisonment and brutal treatment, administrative detention, torture during the investigations, assault by excessive use of force.
After that the discussion started, the participants emphasized that these policies considered as serious violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, emphasizing that occupying Power, Israel, treat detainees in racist, immoral and illegal way, which is incompatible with international legal norms that protect detainees in the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, Protocol I Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and international charters and conventions.
The students completed the activities of the solidarity day, through presenting several documentary videos and poems discussing cases of Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli jails, besides presenting pictures and essays.
At the end of the activity Students of faculty of Law thanked the dean Dr. Alaa’ Mattar and ICSPR team and chairman Dr,Salah Abdel Atti, considering this activity a positive step to solidarity with Palestinian detainees, as well as it was an opportunity to express their point of view and gain practical experience in planning and implementing the applied and practical activities.