I.C.S.P.R: Judgment Abdel Fattah al-Sharif, a new policy of encouraging Israeli soldiers to commit organized crime and field executions of Palestinians
International Commission to Support Palestinian Right (I.C.S.P.R) strongly condemns the judgement on Tuesday 21 February 2017 by the military court in Tel Aviv, of the Israeli soldier, Aliaero Azaria, sentenced 18 months in jail on charges of “manslaughter and inappropriate behavior” for the Palestinian citizen: Abdel Fattah Yousri Abdel Fattah al-Sharif in Hebron, Thursday morning, March 24, 2016.
Issuing this reduced/lower sentence, reaffirms the unserious Israeli investigations specially the military one, and enhances the United Nations Commission of inquiry about the conflict in Gaza in 2014, through briefing issued at Geneva on (22 June 2015) “that impunity prevails at all levels about the planned violations committed by the Israeli forces in both West Bank and Gaza Strip.”
It also reveals the fact Israeli courts racist and especially the military, through lack of clear commitment to humanitarian standards, nor just court procedures, and that these courts only Israeli play, carrying Israeli contempt in the international covenants and international law, and to fortify and protect Israeli soldiers during the expansion policy of impunity which has created a favorable climate for more field killings outside the law. This confirms what many Israeli jurisprudence, For example, an Israeli Court issued on 12 August 2012 prison sentence for 45 days to soldier charged with killing a mother and daughter during operation Cast Lead (27 December 2008 – 18January 2009) after amendment of the draft indictment against soldier from manslaughter to the misuse of weapons.
International Commission to Support Palestinian Right (I.C.S.P.R) reiterating its condemnation of the sentence of the soldier who killed Abdul Fattah al-Sharif, declaring their solidarity with the family of martyr Sharif, reaffirming the occupying State record clearly demonstrates that it is not ready for real and independent investigations into suspicions of war crimes, as it does not intend to make any accounting as required under international law, therefore International Commission demands the following:
I.C.S.P.R remind the International Community that legal ,practical, procedural impediments imposed within the Israeli legal system, both civil and criminal, contributed significantly to deprive the Palestinians of their right to effective judicial remedy, and demonstrate the unserious of Israeli Fair investigations.
I.C.S.P.R stresses that the current Israeli legal and judicial system, acts as a cover for Israel and its agents, both military and civilian, against any legal accountability face to face with Palestinian victims.
I.C.S.P.R affirms that the Israeli military court decision about the soldier who killed the citizen Al-Shareef, an absence of individual criminal accountability, and give more legal protection to Israeli soldiers, particularly the penalty of manslaughter up to jail for twenty years.
I.C.S.P.R Demands Prosecutor in international criminal court to reconsider this resolution and other provisions of Israeli civilian, military and judiciary, as insufficient to exclude the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to consider the Palestinian case, complete the preliminary examination with a fair decision about opening a criminal investigation into alleged crimes according to Palestinian Declaration filed with the Court.