Gaza: The International Commission (ICSPR) visits the Greek Orthodox Church on Christmas
NO: 01 / 2020
Date: 07 Jun 2019
Press release
Gaza: The International Commission (ICSPR) visits the Greek Orthodox Church on Christmas
Occupied Palestine / Gaza: The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) headed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Salah Abdel-Ati, and the staff, visited today, Tuesday, January 7, 2020, the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Pervirius to celebrate the Glorious Christmas according to the eastern calendar, and they were hosted by Bishop Alexios.
Abd Al-Atti stressed the depth of relations between the Palestinian Muslims and Christians brothers, which constitute a model for coexistence between religions because of their love, tolerance and cooperation.
He hoped that the coming year would bring about further progress and promotion of human rights and the rights of the Palestinian people.
On his part, Bishop Alexios thanked the delegation of the International Commission for this visit, which confirms their keenness to participate in these celebrations.