During a workshop in Ukraine, I.C.S.P.R discusses the Israeli settlements’ danger on the Palestinian cause.
The International commission to Support Palestinian rights (ICSPR) , has organized a workshop about Earth day and the danger of settlement with regard to the Palestinian cause held on Saturday, March 25th in cooperation with (The Arab House) in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine where a number of students and activists participated..
Amer Al Arouqi, the commission’s ambassador, presented I.C.S.P.R vision at the local and the international levels in order to institutionalize the Palestinian cause and to gather power to support the Palestinian rights. The commission was formed to be the holder of all movements that are in solidarity with the Palestinians until they get all their rights in terms of International Law, Al Arouqi added, that the Israeli occupation has crossed lines by violating the basic rights of the Palestinians.
As well, he calls upon the Arab and the International efforts to adjudicate the occupation and establish a full sovereignty for Palestine that is for all the Palestinians.
Moreover, Salah Zaqout, the director of (The Arab House), said that the Earth day reminded them of the revolution that took a place as a result of the refusal of the occupation plans to get rid of the Palestinians and the state of Palestine, and he said that even after 41 years of the remembrance of Earth day, the Palestinian people still stick to their rights,. He also added that because of the settlement and ignoring the two-State solution, all the thoughts are currently about establishing a federal state in Gaza, disregarding the refugee’s rights and the right of return.
By Skype from Gaza , Salah Abdel Atti, the commission chairman, discussed the importance of the International pressure in stopping the Israeli occupation from violating the Palestinian’s rights, not to mention the great role of the hard work in accordance with the International law in order to withdraw the recognition and the investments from the Israeli occupation.
Abdulati stressed on the importance of speaking in the international sessions and gathering a lot more of the human rights activists in order to support the Palestinian cause, and to expose the Israeli actions which reached a similar level to war crimes .
A number of diplomatic Palestinians were invited, including the Palestinian ambassador in Ukraine who wasn’t able to participate in that workshop.