Briefing note on violence against Palestinian female prisoners inside the Israeli occupation prisons
Number: / 2022
Date: November 26, 2022
Original language: Arabic
Briefing note on violence against Palestinian female prisoners inside the Israeli occupation prisons
The International Commission for Supporting the Rights of the Palestinian People (Hashd) presents you with its best regards and highly appreciates your positive role in ensuring that human beings enjoy a decent life around the world, as a true harmony with the charters and provisions of human rights. In the context of our follow-up to the conditions of women in the occupied Palestinian territories, and on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we inform you of the dangerous decline, represented by the high rates of violence against Palestinian female prisoners inside the Israeli occupation prisons, as this memory comes today in light of the continued violence practiced against them has escalated, especially as they face harsh conditions as a result of the continuation of the escalating Israeli violations, which flout all the rules and principles agreed upon by the international community to provide special protection for women commensurate with their situation, during armed conflicts and occupation.
According to the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Prisoners – a national body concerned with the rights of Palestinian prisoners and ex-prisoners-, the number of female prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons has reached (30), including 11 mothers and two female prisoners under administrative detention. the Israeli occupation forces are still practicing violence against them, through:
Imposing high sentences on them, as there are (17) female prisoners who received high sentences against them.
The occupation authorities deliberately approach medical negligence against them, as 60 cases of wounded female prisoners were recorded, the most serious of which is the case of the prisoner “Israa Ja’abis” from occupied Jerusalem, who has been sentenced to 11 years. deformities, and an urgent need for several operations surgery, to help her, even in a simple way, to overcome the severity of the pain.
being tortured; During the last two months, the prisoner “Dunia Jaradat”, a resident of Jenin, was subjected to a violent interrogation in the “Petah Tikva” investigation center for 14 days, before she was transferred to Damon Prison. Where they were put on a small chair and were interrogated by more than one person interrogator over long hours, including beatings, verbal abuse, and continuous screaming, while the prisoner “Ataf Jaradat” (50 years old) from Jenin, was arrested after the arrest of her three sons (Ghaith, Omar and Muntasir Jaradat), and she was subjected to harsh interrogation in Al-Jalama detention center. This led to the deterioration of her health condition, as she developed high blood pressure and insufficiency she has a regular heart rate and receives 8 types of medication. She also had symptoms of a stroke twice, and she was taken to the hospital several times.
Depriving female prisoners of many rights related to communication with the family and visiting a lawyer, especially mothers, are also denied contact with their children for long periods, and they are not allowed to visit or make phone calls.
The practice of arbitrary arrests of women in the current year and last year, witnessed the largest rate of arrests among women from Jerusalem governorate, at a rate of 45%.
We look forward to your humanity, and your role concerning the realization of women’s rights, and their rights to freedom, by taking practical measures that would put pressure on the Israeli occupation authorities, to urge them to respect the system of human rights law and international humanitarian law, in the course of dealing with the rights of Palestinian women, including that protecting female prisoners inside Israeli prisons and reducing the rates of violence against them, leading to their release in light of the escalation of arbitrary and illegal arrest campaigns. We hope that you, in your capacity and/or on behalf of your organization, will move quickly now, as tomorrow may be too late.
Accept the utmost respect and appreciation