Press Release
ICSPR condemns preventing the Secretary of the Revolutionary Council of Fatah bloc from travelling.
International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (ICSPR) follows with concern the continuous actions of the security and police forces in Gaza Strip, as taking procedures that would obstruct the right of citizens to travel and freedom of movement that guaranteed constitutionally in accordance with international human rights standards.
As these violations escalated recently, and the latest one was the prevention of Dr. Fayez Abu Attya, the Secretary of Fatah Revolutionary Council, from travelling through Beit Hanoun crossing, on Tuesday July 11 2017. This incident was preceded by a few days, of preventing Mr. Abu Maher Hillis from travelling through Hanoun crossing travel, when he wanted to travel to Ramallah.Stressing that the travel ban and restrictions on the right to freedom of movement can only be done by court order in accordance with article (11 item 2) of the Palestinian basic law,
International Commission to Support Palestinian Right (ICSPR) Express its deep concern over the cases of travel ban, considering that it unjustified restrictions and illegal, ICSPR affirms the necessary of public freedom and especially in these circumstances in Gaza Strip, ICSPR affirms that the travel ban and restrictions on the right and freedom of movement can only be done by court order in accordance with article (11 item 2) of the Palestinian basic law, therefore; ICSPR calls upon:
ICSPR reaffirms its position and rejecting all the violations of human rights wherever they occur, proceeding from the importance of the inviolability of the Palestinian citizen’s rights under any pretext or justification.
ICSPR demanding the Interior Ministry in Gaza to take real action in order to ensure respect for rights and freedoms that were constitutionally guaranteed in accordance with international standards of human rights, particularly the right to freedom of travel and mobility
ICSPR demanding Attorney General to intervene and stop such actions and to respect the right of citizens to travel and freedom of movement that guaranteed under the Palestinian basic law and international human rights