Hashed ambassadors
Hashd Ambassadors
Be a Hashd ambassador.
Ambassadors’ Program:
The Goodwill Ambassadors Program, in order to develop a global network of supporters of the rights of the Palestinian people through the selection and appointment of high-level Palestinian, Arab, and international personalities with prestige and humanitarian activity in their countries, represents the International Commission to Support the Palestinian Rights in their states and contributes to the protection of human rights in Palestine.
Operating Procedures:
The ambassadors in charge are guided by international human rights standards, relevant United Nations resolutions on the question of Palestine, and established model principles in the work of human rights defenders and humanitarian action.
Ambassadors’ duties:
Positive and planned action at the level of their states to support human rights and the Palestinian people and to highlight Israel’s systematic violations of human rights and international humanitarian law through the following activities:
1-To represent the International Commission in their countries and to contribute to the planning and leadership of the Commission’s activities there, including the circulation of the statements, appeals, and reports of the International Commission to official bodies, parliamentarians, international organizations, and civil society institutions in their countries.
2-Gather all people and official efforts to support human rights in Palestine by organizing initiatives and activities in their countries that promote solidarity with the Palestinian people and their rights.
3-Participating in solidarity activities and campaigns at the Arab and international levels, and raising donations to support human rights projects and initiatives aimed at supporting victims of Israeli violations in Palestine and protecting human rights.
Be a Goodwill Ambassador:
By emailing your personal information and CV to info@en.icspr.ps